MovieChat Forums > YeahLaters
YeahLaters (29)
Why did Billy flee after identifying the supplier?
Duke stole the show
“Im afraid of him arite!”
Who is the biggest c*nt? Gregor, Mickey or Seamus
Got the swag, kept the money..
“You were right about the magicians hot assistant..”
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I agree
He had everyone in the nursing home eating out his hand in order in help him with his quest.
Smart. Crazy but smart
Absolutely not. Of course he shouldn’t.
Why the hell would a man of his incredible value date woman closer to his age who are (with all due respect) past their prime when he could have a hotter younger girl?! Woman aged between 18-26 is when their dating value is the highest. And that is a fact.
Your post just reeks of jealousy and is completely asinine. For many reasons.
The OP is entitled to their opinion.
OP, if its any consolation; take joy in the fact that the little rich boy (from a caked family staying in the penthouse of a 5* NY hotel) runs down to meet her on Christmas morning and gives her a useless piece of clay as a token of his generosity instead of access to a hot shower, a new set of clothes, a warm meal or a room for the night which would have been far more befitting to someone in her situation!
Agreed. She’s absolutely delicious in that understated ‘GND’ kind of way. The way she told buzz to stop being a moron was so damn hot
Daniele was an absolute moron throughout the film. Even by his own admission. “Why am I so stupid?!”
Watching Barnes pulverise and humiliate Daniele throughout the film, especially with the way he toyed with him in the final match and leaving him lying sobbing on the mat begging for Miyagi to throw in the towel, with Kreese and Silver laughing on the sidelines was just too good.
Daniele was an an all round loser in this one. I mean He got friend zoned by a cool, low maintenance, out of town chick with no social circle who was hoaching for a bang!
Excellent post. 100% accurate in every way. Life is tooooo short for any lockdown. Especially when it doesn’t work and the threat doesn’t apply for the majority as clearly demonstrated. And Quint was a real man
There was nothing behind his mystery tho. He ended up just coming off as a loser/weirdo/narcissist. Irritatingly rubbish film
Either way. The OP is right. The movie was garbage. Despite the attempt at making the characters deep, they were actually vacuous and irritating. Scenes too short, too many loose ends (I don’t mind that as long as the scenes had substance which they didn’t). I felt irritated by the end. This film was a nice tourist commercial for visiting Japan. Nothing more
Hahahahaha this is an amazing thread. Sorry if these have been mentioned already..
259: 2 questions is TOO MANY questions. Even if its only 2
260: Martin has absolutely zero peripheral vision or ability to walk in anything other than a straight line. Even if his straight line is in direct trajectory with a group of people gathering or playing sport in the park
261: young impressionable ladies working as assistants in care homes will only be too happy to perform secret espionage and reporting on specific visitors at the whim of tall, handsome, confident, well spoken strangers
Only in America!
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