MovieChat Forums > TheReccher > Replies
TheReccher's Replies
I'm no saying I need to see the man rape a kid. That would count, but there's other forms of evidence. Like an ample number of accusers whose stories check out, or child porn on his computer, or magazines in his house, or at least video taped evidence of him eye fondling a kid. Those men were in jail because there was legal evidence to prove it beyond a shadow of the doubt. There was nothing to convict Michael after decades.
And are you trying trying to paint rational skeptics like they're the ones spouting fallacies? If you're the one twisting logic and arguments and coming up with assumptions to keep your conclusions cemented, it's not the people on the other side of the argument being stubborn.
I'm not treating Robson and Safechuck as hucksters simply because they accused Michael, I'm treating them like hucksters because al signs point to it. Safechuck has been doing nothing but treating Michael Jackson like a pal every time his name his mentioned, but now that he's poor suddenly he's changed his story and charging HBO money for it. Safechuck's allegations are filled with holes. The station Michael allegedly raped him in didn't open until 3 years after his account, and he would have 17 by that time, which might as well be a 30 year old to a peadophile. This list goes on though. They're the only allegation so far and it's a fishy one.
As for Bill Cosby, women have lied about rape. There have been cases where innocent men went away for it. So it was fair to give him the benefit of the doubt in the beggining until the numbers got large enough. And my point is that, why haven't we reached these numbers with Michael Jackson if he committed the worst crime of all time? The Cosby/Wesintein fiascos opened the door for it. Nobody worships celebrities anymore, half the ill-informed population are primed to believe Jackson did it judging by how many people were swayed by a documentary that presented almost no facts...where are they?
Bullshit. Number one if a writer needs source material and can't come up with something good on his own merits than he needs to find a new job.
Secondly, writing is long, difficult work. Especially when it's something as large and sprawling and filled with as many character as Game of Thrones. George RR Martin is not about deadlines, he wants the story to be perfect before he sends it out.
He'd probably direct something more fitting for the obscure underground part of the MCU, like the Netflix shows. Something without coorporate mandated limitations.
"Thor cannot get fat." When was this a stated rule in the MCU?
"He isn't remotely human." He's an Asgardian. They're pretty much human just way more powerful.
"Cosmically powered..." They made it pretty clear since his introduction his power isn't magic but extremely advanced science.
"He couldn't get fat on Earth food..." when was this stated?
Rapists/serial killers aren't the same as pedophiles. Serial killers leave dead victims with no patterns to speak off and are notoriously difficult to catch, and rape is a power fantasy. Some rapists only do it sporadically, or on the spur of the moment and manage to get away with it. Pedophilia is an ADDICTION. It's an extremely powerful one that can rival any drug. There would be plenty of victims, especially for a man who practically had all those children in the palm of his hand.
Jordan Chandler's father was more than a jerk. He was a narcissist with delusions of grandeur. He was a lowly dentist with dreams of being a screenwriter who acted like a distraught father but gave no reasons as to why he took this to civil court, other than a video taped confession bragging about how much money he was going to make before the boy even confessed. Jordan himself was screaming for money way in excess of anything a kid with a 10$/week allowance could even dream of. The grown accuser also refused to show up in the 2005 case even though it was with the same lawyer.
And I stand by my statement those attacks are tame. Wanna know why? Because there are careers where people have to stand up that abuse all the time. Critics, journalists, district attorneys. Yes kids have killed themselves over that because they're kids but adults can stand up to much worse. Especially victims of child rape, plenty of which aren't afraid to die. Getting the truth out would be the only relief they have.
Your third argument is beyond ridiculous. A man's actions can only speak for his character and no one else's. An artist/entertainer are going to have sickos in their fanbase. It happens all the time and it's not something they can help.
I didn't say they weren't true statements. I said they're not solid evidence in and of themselves to conclude Michael Jackson is a pedophile. And pedophiles leave tons of evidence. It's way too powerful an addiction to hide. They'd have ample quantities of kiddie porn on their computer that'd be nearly impossible to delete without a trace, they'd have drawings and magazines in their house, they'd have victims going to the police. They'de be caught in public loooming at kids sexually. But none of that's been found and all of the victims were proven to be liars. But apparently, even Cory Feldman, a man who was literally a free meal for pedophile celebrities his whole child-hood said Michael Jackson didn't even lay a hand on him even though he had every chance to.
Wrong. In order to use the power to 'do whatever they want' (which is questionable because it was never technically stated its power is infinite), they first have to gain control of the gauntlet.
Jordan Chandler's father was one of the extortionists I'm talking about. He left a video taped confession bragging about how much money he was going to steal from Michael after inexplicably taking the case to civil court. He had aspirations of making it as a Hollywood screenwriter and he commited a guilt ridden suicide months after the facade. The boy was blatantly a tool, as was his father. Fanboy attack? No that's justice.
And those attacks are so tame. If I were a rape victim of a beloved celebrity a bunch of empty threats wouldn't stop me from getting the truth out. Didn't stop those two money grubbing bozos from making a documentary did it and they weren't even victims (don't even debate it they weren't. This has a get-rich-quick stench all over it)? And where are the threats against them?
"Art is not a democracy." George RR Martin
We need to do away with this delusion that a small bunch of crazies online can fear monger and control the rest of the world. Entire corporations pull back their products because they think a few whiny cunts on Twitter can put a dent in their PR. It's nonsense.
Plus you think really think victims of child rape are going to let some vague threat stop them fro getting the truth out? They already suffered the crime you can be a victim of. Spacey, Cosby, and Reily all had their die hard fans too. Every celebrity has that. The worst you've ever seen of them actually being dangerous to anyone is a Nolanite threatening a critic after he gave the Dark Knight a bad review.
Yeah they don't exist. The "victims" were really extortionists and now no one's coming out because there's no celebrity to extort.
Well if the Earth looks flat, and it feels flat, than it must be flat. Oh wait uh...Well if it looks like water and it smells like water, than it can't be vodka. Oh no uhh. If air looks empty and it smells empty, than obviously the science agree...well maybe not. Actually let's put our ego aside and stop putting faith in our limited senses. Alright? K? Cool.
Your second paragraph is more of the same crap that's been debunked ad nauseum. Circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence based on subjective culture, circumstantial evidence, bullshit media narrative but even if it were true still circumstantial, and all of those were lies and proven extortion attempts.
I guess I have to say this for the 1234th time. EVIDENCE. If something is supposedly a fact, show me the evidence. Do that and I'll animate his corpse just to hang him, until than, the fact that you irrationally jumped to conclusions is no one else's problem but your own.
The time travel stuff is nonsense. The sooner I accepted that the better the movie was, and I think giving Steve Rogers a satisfying ending is way higher on the film's list of priorities than making sure the goofy science is kept in check.
And that's hipster number 456 too busy smelling his own farts to see the obvious point.
Unpopular opinion but Reservoir Dogs was just Pulp Fiction before it was good.
You assume quality exists in a vacuum. It doesn't. "Aged well" is perfectly apt when a director doesn't have the foresight to know elements of his film become antiquated.
"The horror was striped from the movie..."
Well gee, it's almost like it's not a horror movie or something.
1. Men can act however they please. There's no rule and "manliness" is a constructed cult. Ignorant men shit where other men eat.
2. You are acting like an internet tough guy while saying this. You are showing the internet with prototypal beta behaviour while calling the victims of your poop brigade beta? Are you this deluded? Is irony this lost on you?
Because they contain content that grown men feasibly enjoy.
Better question: why do grown men ask stupid questions on the Internet?