christomacin's Posts

Tatsuya Nakada vs. Toshiro Mifune (0-3-1) Turns 90 on December 13th! Who Is Supporting Putin and/or Not Supporting Ukraine More (Far Left of Far Right?) Amber Turd Herder... Gonzalo "Tokyo Rose" Lira... I really dug the Saville Row Wolf-Wear 威廉 史密斯 威廉 史密斯 Uilleam Gabha Уильям кузнец Guillermo Herrera Guglielmo Fabbro Guillaume Forgeron Will Smith's Favorite Movie? Oscars (2023) Putin & Zelensky mano e mano with pick-axes on a cat-walk over bubbling acid vat Ridley Scott should take advantage of the G.I. Jane publicity Let's Deep Fake this Guy and Get Him in a Putin Bio-Pic! Something going down in Belarus?