Squiffydoodle's Replies

I like the first one Modern Love and Rebel Rebel Hahaha! I remember you saying that at FB Thank you :) My boyfriend at the time said "Squiffydoodle" and it stuck [url]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3f/fa/c9/3ffac9966e911a233877bb4d5aa59816.jpg[/url] [url]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/66/58/c4/6658c4a67ccbae56179e474f0c25fbc3.jpg[/url] Kat has implants Frogs How can that be? It stinks! I used to date guys who smoke but I don't think I could anymore Thank you, Croft All of those are Ben. I used to like posting there but got tired of the nastiness Thank you, TexasJack I told the Admin that the forum is a disgrace. The raving lunatic is Ben and all he does is troll and insult. Users like that keep people away. Hungry is also abusive and Gavrilo is disgusting Hi, it's Nettie :) I left filmboards Disgusting trolls who have nothing better to do than hurl insults. I'm Nettie btw :) I like it. In the summer it stays light here till 9:00 I know you from filmboards. I left that place, too many creeps I know you :) I'm in Seattle I usually go alone but I like going with my sister too