MovieChat Forums > Londonbridge115 > Replies
Londonbridge115's Replies
Ok first off, I find it EXTREMELY entertaining that you, someone who is obviously not black, are telling ME who I supposedly feel inferior to. Really? Here's some news for you; NO sane black person in America feels inferior to anyone, PERIOD. Do we feel that there's some unfair inequality? Sure. But inferior? No. There's a difference. And not all Africans hate Americans. The ones that do are misinformed one way or another.
Anyway, your views and your opinions were dismissed the moment you decided to speak for two groups of people when you have no idea what you're talking about and have no place to do so. Plus the fact that you can't seem to comprehend that when a character in a film in a VILLAIN they do things that are not right. You also sound like you don't know what "oppression" means either. AND the fact that I've given sources for you to watch and read that you obviously have ignored. At this point you're starting to sound like a triggered fanboy that can't accept reality. You are a joke.
I understand what you’re saying here, and you’re not wrong; but it’s a bit different when you don’t even know WHERE your ancestors came from. There’s a huge difference between an Italian-American who knows exactly where their roots reside and where to go tofind them and an African-American who has absolutely no where to trace back. It’s an incomplete sense of identity that I’m afraid one wouldn’t understand if not in our shoes.
The advantage Killmonger has in the film is that he actually has that piece of information whereas most of us in reality do not.
That’s the thing; it’s not my opinion, it’s fact, lol. Aside from being painfully obvious, its been proven by the director and the actors of the movie. And I’m a she btw :)
1. No where in the movie was there a message to kill all white men. Give me a specific example where someone said it was a good idea to do so.
2. The Wakandans had this mentality in the beginning of the movie but changed their stance at the end. The message is clearly that they were wrong.
3. I really don’t know what you’re getting at here. African-Americans don’t necessarily feel “inferior” to Africans. It’s just the vast differences between two as far as their upbringing and privledge (or lack thereof)
I’ve already explained what the movie means. If you still don’t understand it, clearly it wasn’t meant for you.
When I say the “same people” I mean we are descendants the same people. You completely missed the entire point of the movie AND this post. Lol
The film highlights the schism between Africans and African-Americans and blacks from all over the diaspora. The relationship between the two has always been complicated. Because of slavery, African-Americans were stripped of their heritage and have no solid connection with Africa. Sometimes we (African-Americans) are considered “outsiders” by Africans even though we are technically the same people. Killmonger’s character represents blacks in America; he’s cheated out of his rightful heritage and abandoned in America. He is angry, and his anger represents most of what black Americans feel. Throughout the film he is called an outsider, not welcome. In the scene with his father in the ancestral plane, his father says the people in Wakanda will say he is “lost”.
This is why many African-Americans will identify with Killmonger’s character more so than T’challa. Chadwick Boseman himself said he identifies more with Killmonger and that T’challa is the true villain:
Throughout the film, everything Killmonger says is right but his methods are wrong. T’challa realizes this by the end of the movie by going back to Oakland and supporting other African-Americans in need because no matter how separated that are...they are his people too.
There’s more levels to this film but I think I’ve gotten to the core. There’s many articles explaining the message online but I’ll post a good article the explains it pretty well:
For those not wanting to read:
I hope that helps.
Lol why do you care so much about a drop? The movie has already made 750 million+ and is on its way to 1 billion. This drop doesn’t make the movie any less successful than it already is. You are really reaching for a reason to downgrade this film.
I respect your opinion but I just don’t agree at all, man lol. I’m really trying to find a reason why anyone would really hate this movie because all of the reasons you just stated are just...not true. I thought the acting was phenomenal. The story? Deep. Hit me on a personal level. The only minor complaint would be the CGI in some places but even that would be nitpicking. But one of Marvel’s WORST? Nah. Not a chance.
What specifically did you feel was poorly written and directed?
I thought the first Ironman was boring. I still remember my brother dragging me to his second viewing and I almost fell asleep.
Why would it be a “W”? They are literally making an “X” across their chests.
I LOVED this movie. The only nitpicks I have is some of the CGI, especially when the crew is in Korea and T’challa opens up the roof of the car. Looks really bad.
Also I didn’t like how they killed Killmonger off already. He was really my favorite character.
Right! Civil War was actually my favorite superhero film but after watching BP twice and some long thought I think it has taken its spot.
Me too. He had the right intentions and everything he was saying was RIGHT....but he was just too clouded by hate to execute it well.
I mean...yeah. You devoted an entire post to your ignorance of the issue. What else am I supposed to think?
And Stan Lee made the Black Panther in the 60's to make racists feel uncomfortable. He's down for the cause. Nothing ironic about that at all.
White people don't need to celebrate Superman because he's white. What hardships have white people encountered over the way they look? What triumphs have they overcame? The list of white superheroes are far and long. Why would they need to celebrate?
I think what white people need to understand is that they will just never understand. You don't know what it's like to be a minority, you don't know what it's like to be hated over the color of your skin, you don't know what its like to be underrepresented in the media. Ya'll just don't get it. And we can go back and forth and argue over this until we're both blue in the face, but until you've lived the Black experience you just. won't. get it.
LOL! You're trying to equate Africa with Nazi-ism? What "values" does Africa have with Nazis? Please, do tell.
Are you serious? Now you're just in denial. White people hated black people (or anyone different from them) SIMPLY because of the color of their skin, and that's a FACT. If you don't want to accept that, that's your problem. Keep living in that fantasy world.
What the hell are you talking about? We didn't just start celebrating ourselves over this movie. This movie is just one more thing to celebrate. And another stupid thing I keep seeing over the net is how people are trying So hard to point out that Black Panther was made by a white FYI you don't need to be BLACK to be PRO-BLACK.
Do you seriously not understand black history month?