MovieChat Forums > OriginalContent > Replies
OriginalContent's Replies
I love salt and vinegar chips!
Thanks! I didn't even know there was a documentary so I was just about to look it up.
I would go everywhere and see everything if I could but I'd start with Japan, Sweden, Thailand, and South Korea.
Thank you! 😊
cable - no
photo album - no
stove top kettle? no
paper maps - no
CDs - yes
alarm clock - no
department store catalog - no
board games - yes
playing cards - yes
wall calendar - no
I totally would if I had both the money and the time off of work to do so. Sadly, I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.
I think it's worth it because I get it for free and at a place that I have to be anyway (work) but if I had to pay for it and go out of my way to get it then no.
I love movies like this too. The Girl With All The Gifts comes to mind as well and was a fabulous movie. I'm going to give the 2 you mentioned a try. Thanks for the suggestions!
Yeah, it wrapped up what little story there was.
Bad lighting, bad angle, bad make up job, and she put on a couple pounds. All fixable.
Whether this movie is good or bad depends on how you went into it at the beginning. I wouldn't label this movie as horror at all and anyone expecting jumpscares, a constant feeling of uneasiness and dread, or just outright gore are going to be disappointed. This movie is best described as a thriller/drama because the focus of the movie is more psychological (keeping you thinking "Is she a witch?", "Is there another witch whose spells she's getting blamed for?", or "Is there something else going on that's not supernatural?") than horror were you would be more focused on bracing yourself for jumpscares, dreading seeing the witch/ghost/etc. I personally think I would have liked it more had I gone into it expecting a thiller and been in the mood for that type of movie.
I would LOVE to see a sequel! It would be really cool if they focused more on the people who are just carriers of the virus instead of actually being infected and what that does to them.
I wouldn't mind giving it another chance. It was a few years ago that I watched it. I may notice some things that I didn't on the first run that may make me appreciate it more. And it's got to be popular for a reason, especially since it came out at a time where Hollywood didn't just depend on a franchise to carry the movie instead of actually making a good movie.
I am. Ever since they closed the forums there I've been looking for a replacement and this has been the best site I've found.
I usually don't turn to movies in this genre on my own. I usually only end up watching them if someone else turns it on or in this case because I wanted to go through all the movies on IMDB's top 250 list. The movies I like on the list of similar movies on this site (in order by how much I like them) are Fight Club, The Dark Knight, Shawshank Redemption, and Forrest Gump. A couple movies from the era I like are Pretty Baby and The Other. I don't mind older movies as long as the plot doesn't require special effects or themes that were too heavy to portray accurately at the time.
I'm going to see it in theaters either way. I watch most things online but I also really like the movie theater experience. Plus I really want to see it in 3D!
I think it was actually very different from most horror movies. Most of the time horror movies revolve around finding out how to keep the ghost from killing you but this out was about find out how to live with being haunted.
That episode makes me cry every single time
What things implied that her father was a demon? I've never read the book and it's been a while since I've seen Ringu.
Unless they get the same writers to come back, the show will have a completely different feel to it than its original run and when people see the new version they're going to hate it purely because its not what they were expecting to see. If they get at least some of the old writers back I'd be all over it. Here's hoping!