Can never get enough of this film type *spoilers*
I love watching films like this where people are raised in an artificial environment that they believe is real and then they discover that there is in fact another world they have been secluded from.
This has the same ‘vibe’ as The Island and Logan’s Run.
I love the subject matter so I am completely biased but I thought it was really well done. It was probably low budget but the story was so intriguing that you don’t really notice. At least I didn’t. I love how philosophical it was with playing on the topic of friendship and how that brings out empathy.
You can try to deprive humans, try to program them, but the moment they find love, whether it be friendship, romantic or admiration it changes you. It makes something come alive in you that you can’t ignore.
This friendship between the two girls is what kept them together despite the primal will to save themselves. They could have been free of that place a few times, they could have taken that chance to save their own life but it was that frienship that made them stay because they didn’t want to leave the other in torment. That is so beautiful to me.