MovieChat Forums > Rekastor > Replies
Rekastor's Replies
I think a lot of Soylent Green story is lost on people in a big way. Its scary how correct Soylent Green is in its predictions. It's most unfortunate how some people rather ignore what the F is going on in the world as long they are not affected personally. People should take Soylent Green movie more seriously imo. 'It's year 2022' ; it means 'near future' when this shit could/would happen.
Next statements is from user who deleted his/her account here. They talk about Soylent Green movie about this very topic. Here's what he/she said:
''It wasn't only overpopulation that was the problem in "Soylent Green." Thorn mentioned that there was an out of control green house effect that made it a heatwave all year long where nothing could grow, so like Venus millions of years ago, Earth would eventually become to hot to sustain life. As Thorn said, "Ocean's dying, plankton's dying..." The Earth was doomed.''
- year 2022 = it means 'near future'
- overpopulation = almost there
- green house effect = already here
- out of control green house effect = almost there
When this happens, food shortages will be enormous and wouldn't be even a primary issue but one of many primary issues ppl would face. 'Soylent Green is people' = not that far fetch idea. Soylent Green movie would look like living in a dream if green house starts in its full effect.
- furniture (woman) = Not come to pass
But there are a lot of countries shit like this is reality for a lot of women. Also, when this movie was made, women in US still needed to fight for their basic rights long after 'women's liberation'. When consider this; such bleak future for women wasn't that far fetch idea at all.
This was the point of the story in this movie, and not some superficial take on a movie and the story it tells. The point was/is, it could/would happen in near future if people would still go down this road (and we did and still do). If past events and present issues we are facing right now as humanity is lost on people then Soylent Green will become prophetic movie and reality will be much worse.
''Matrix Resurrections'' is a big let down (at least for me..) Everything feels wrong with this movie.
I didn't have a feeling i'm watching real Matrix movie but some really bad fan-made Matrix movie made on LSD, where old Matrix stories collided with fantasies in someones bad-trip hallucinations, where everything is F..ed.
If WB wanted to make The Matrix movie worthy of the established franchise then both Wachowskis should be on board and involved at the very least and not just rush into this project.
This is just sad moment for Matrix fans and for all filmophiles in general who waited in dread for release date.
''Metatron1970'' You are correct in your observation, they are both in mid 50s now, so i don't know wtf ''AckbarsRevenge'' is talking about in his/her original post..
And on top of that calling you a racist in his/her latest post for stating facts, nevermind nothing in your post is racial related.. also Wachowskis were brothers at the time they were filming Matrix movies..
So i don't know WhereTF ''AckbarsRevenge'' see the problem?
Some people are just weird...
When first Matrix came out in 1999:
Lana Wachowski (age 34) -- then ''Larry Wachowski'' (age 34)
Lilly Wachowski (age 32) -- then ''Andy Wachowski'' (age 32)
Lana Wachowski (age 56)
Lilly Wachowski (age 54)
Next Matrix iinstallments - No.1/2 .. be prepared for:
The Matrix - An Unexpected ReVisit
The Matrix - The Desolation of Merovingian
The Matrix - The Battle for the ReEntry
The Matrix - The Fellowship of the One
The Matrix - The Two Worlds
The Matrix - The Return of the Red Queen
Red Queen alias for Trinity (AniMatrix - A Detective Story)
^ What he (Goliard) said ^
LOL ...
HomoPhobic Bitch!
You're the one to tell me how i view my self?!. Go F__k your self!
I don't play identity politics!! I always hated labels!! Fucking moron!
Don't you tell me how i identified my self! Choke on c_m! Bitch!
Fuck you! Hope you choke on c_m!
You HomoPhobic Bitch!
''My point being, is that all there is in here?! Was better before.... when it was IMDB... and moderated a heck of a whole lot less!!! Still better... cos now it's like nothing but pissing contests... I'd rather talk about shit like "wtf do the Fremen EAT?!?!?!" But who can do that when there's post after post about how this version "sucks"
sadly this is true.. i also noticed how more and more people are incapable to give truly fair criticism or praise to a movie and they are also incapable to rate a movie based on it's true merits. Now ppl are abusing IMDb rating system by making it into a contest between 10 stars vs. 1 star or shit like ''us vs. them'' BS.
Its less talk about little things ppl noticed in a movies and start conversation about it. Like what you said; "wtf do the Fremen EAT?'' and ppl would start topic about it.. :)
I hope people would appreciate movies again for what they are and see them again as entertainment.
O boy, you are full of contradictions.. :)
''In the 80's, when Dune came out and all the D&D nerds went crazy for it, I struggled to understand. I would lash out because of this... insulting those fans.... calling them dorks.... and I'd have help from OTHER Star Wars fans....''
Years have passed.. New version of DUNE (2021) came out... :
''So why the hate?!''
''So many folks just so willing to show off their vile hatred of something... HATE is not a good look, people! Especially when you are in the WROOOOOOOOOONG!''
''This movie was fkn awesome!''
if i understand you correctly; you were fuming hate years back when comes to 1984 DUNE movie;
''insulting those fans.... calling them dorks.''
but now you can't understand why some people hate this version?!
Btw, i agree with you, HATE is not a good ..
i just thought this is funny story. :)