Rekastor's Replies

<blockquote>OnanTheBarbarian (1032) 5 hours ago</blockquote> ^^Brand new idiot^^ <blockquote>JESUS...YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT.😐 </blockquote> ^^THIS!^^ This was his memorable appearance in Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza’s 2005 documentary ''The Aristocrats''. The film featured dozens of standup comics telling and retelling the same joke: a family goes to a casting agent, does all sorts of stomach-churning, immoral things to each other, and when the agent asks, “What’s the name of your act?” the reply is always “The Aristocrats.” Throughout the film, knowing the punchline never ruins the joke because it’s the setup that makes it so funny. Some of the bold-faced names featured in the film include George Carlin, Susie Essman, Sarah Silverman, Don Rickles, Chris Rock, and Robin Williams ... On the surface, it seemed like a stretch to include Saget in the cast since his wholesomeness had made him famous. This did not matter to Bob Saget. Over the course of seven unbelievably filthy minutes, Saget bests the competition with a sordid tableau even he can’t believe. The story involves diarrhea, pedophilia, fisting, and rounds upon round of singing “Make ‘Em Laugh” while running up walls “like Fred Astaire.” Transcribing all Saget’s turns of phrase simply does not do his telling of the joke justice. By the time he’s done, he can’t even tell the punchline, which makes it all even funnier. “ ''Aristocrats'' couldn’t be done now,” SAGET REFLECTED in 2018, adding that when he did the performance he had only heard the joke twice. “Maybe it would come out right now as an anti-, freedom of speech. … The point was censorship. Different ways can do an artform, all tell the same thing. ‘Everybody paint the same painting and see what happens.’ But it really was about freedom of speech. I mean, Lenny Bruce went to jail for saying things that were said overtly in that film.” ---------- You need to stop your daily visits to idiot classes.. You are judging people without knowing what is true context behind the story! Only Morons do such BS! 👍 ___^^This!^^___ 👍 👍 :-) 👍 👍 ^^This^^ You made good points in all your replies, so i waited for the final one to reply. You didn't disappoint. :-) The Matrix (1999) ---- 9.1*/10* The AniMatrix (2003) ---- 8.2*/10* The Matrix - Reloaded (2003) ---- 8.6*/10* The Matrix - Revolutions (2003) --- 8.8*/10* The Matrix Resurrections (2021) --- 4.3*/10* (and i'm pushing..) As far as i'm concerned only ''The Matrix Trilogy'' + ''The Animatrix'' should be part of The Matrix canon. In what order to watch Matrix: - The Matrix (1999) - The AniMatrix (2003) - The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - The Matrix Revolutions (2003) The AniMatrix introduce 9 different short (anime) stories, 2 short stories are directly linked with ''Reloaded''and ''Revolutions''. Wow.. / What an answer. :-) T79 - 10*/10* <blockquote>FUCK the original Matrix.</blockquote> If you don't like the original Matrix movie to begin with, wtf r u doing here in the first place?! it's obvious you're not here to discuss, only to bitch about: F this!, F that! .. <blockquote>Fuck the Matrix, and I'm glad the Matrix movies got fucked over by, as they're not worth anyone's time.</blockquote> This is your take on Matrix movies? A lot of people would disagree with you. Only someone who didn't get the movie would have such superficial take on Matrix and say such BS about the original movie and The Matrix Trilogy in general + AniMatrix and not recognize what an impact original Matrix movie (and 2 sequels that followed + Animatrix) have in film industry and pop culture. If you don't like certain movies, it's ok, but it seams to me you hate movies if you don't like them; screaming: F... this movie! F... that movie! Movies are made to entertain people, not to hate it when you don't like a movie. Its true ''The Matrix Resurrections'' is big disappointment imo and as far as i'm concerned this movie shouldn't be part of the Matrix canon at all but i don't hate the movie. Thank you very much for this kind of praise. :-) I think you're right. :-) I'll add another interesting trivia: :-) From all the main cast only 2 are still alive today and both have same last name ''Young'' (not related with each-other): - Leigh Taylor-Young (age 28 - at the time) ... she play - Shirl - Stephen Young (age 34 - at the time) ... he play - Gilbert I just find that interesting.. :-) In 1940 Betty White would be 18 years old... and this is the answer to both of your questions.