jpollock73's Replies

I think it had the potential to be a great ending just not in this episode imo. If they were leaving the bunker for good it would make for a nice goodbye. This happening now with the fans not sure what is happening with any of the story lines was just not the right moment for it. But maybe it will make more since as the season finale comes and it will be a more powerful scene. Just when fans were getting to somewhat like Mick. Then this. I vote Mary and Ketch as the biggest WTF hook ups of tv history. Just yuck. Thanks you to Bella. Thanks Vee. It took me long enough lol. I don't have the internet were I live and can only use my smart phone, when I get enough bars. So I finally got a chance to use a computer and checked out all of my spam emails and found the one I`ve been looking for to confirm my email. I two really liked it. Lets see if this post goes