GonoManiax's Replies

Ep01: Space Fleet. 9/10 The best episode of the series since Season 1. And I haven't seen one Star Trek episode. It was fantastic, really clever and full of fun moments and funny characters. Ep02: Arkangel. 4/10 Boring and nothing new here. This premise was done thousand times in Twilight Zone, Outer Limits and even on The X-Files. It was also way too long for such a stupid plotline. (felt the same in many episodes from Season 3) Ep03: Crocodile. 4/10 Same as Arkangel, it would've been way better if it was a short episode. (30 minutes tops) Don't know what's with these directors/writers/producers, if you can't pull off a good script for a 50 min episode, you have to shorten it. Ep 04: Hang The DJ. 6/10 Good episode, but again, extremely long. The premise was interesting but I could see the ending after the first 10 minutes. This happens because of the lack of interesting characters and situations. Again, would've been a masterpiece if it was a 25 minutes episode (ala Twilight Zone), just tell a minimalist and sweet romance around the "system gimmick" and you're set for greatness. But no, we've got some drawn out and repetitive plot. Still, a good episode. Ep05: Metalhead. 3/10 Interesting noir style story, BUT, it was by far the worst episode of the series, this was a short 5 min film stretched for over 40 minutes. And the robot was not menacing at all. B O R I N G. Ep06: Black Museum. 9/10 I was a bored by this point. After Space Fleet, only Hang The DJ kept my attention, but this one? This one is a classic. Black Museum is pure genius and 100% good old story telling, this is the way to go for Black Mirror. This is what I was waiting for since the last couple seasons of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits back in 2002. Three stories interlaced into one, and one big climax in the end, full of references from previous seasons and from other shows. GREAT! Overall: Just for Space Fleet and Black Museum, this season deserves a watch. And because of those two ep No surprise, she has a high level of body fat. Really good actress, really liked her here and in Winter Bone, but she has a way too rounded and big face, also a has a bunch of extremely annoying big ugly moles all over her neck and lower part of her face. It was really distracting watching this on a 4k display. aside the 80's aesthetics and soundtrack (which was 10000% better in DARK) I don't see the resemblance to Stranger things. this felt more like a watered down version of Twin Peaks, without the superb masterful Lynch's direction/atmosphere, and with some messy time-travel hook. It was good, but I don't know, could've been way better. time travel tv-shows tend to get really stupid after a while, it happened to Lost and I already don't see the point of the time travel plotline here, it feels way too forced sometimes. Bang Bang You're Dead http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0288439/ Season 6 is one of the worst seasons of any show I've ever seen. Season 1? Masterpiece. To me, this is already better than Breaking Bad. Better Call Saul is a fantastic character study drama show, top notch quality. season 3 is going super strong! i love it. I thought this was gonna suck, like most spin offs do. Now 3 seasons in... I'm enjoying it more than BrBa I'm here. Wasn't that active though, but I read all your posts guys :P I really liked it, a bit better than the premiere episode, and a bit less rushed. Still, it seems there's too much going on through these two episodes. Guess they have new (and younger) directors on the show, previous seasons had a more classic cinematography without the shaky cam. haha the aliens need to chill out. Any wrong doing ends up in nuking a whole a bloc. funny cause she was (and is) a total fan favorite in Prison Break. It's been renewed for Season 3, which I'm glad, but man, they need to speed it up. As you said, there were a bunch of strong episodes in Season 2, they moved things forward, but it's not enough. Both season could've been told in way less episodes, for one good episode, there's 2 or 3 filler ones. all we've got is a glowing ball inside a robotic suit. two seasons, man... TWO FUCKING SEASONS. that sucked, man. pokeballs inside of a robot suit or something, finale was kind of a letdown bruh They actually showed scenes from The Final Break... Anyway there were some inconsistencies regarding Michael's grave (wasn't it on a beach?), Sara's being in NYC all good (wasn't she a fugitive?) and some other things, but it's been 7 years since those events... maybe we get some flashbacks or who knows. I FUCKING LOVED IT. I was all teary-eyed when the new opening kicked in. It's Prison Break 100%, and it was exceptionally good bearing in mind that michael appears for just a couple of minutes! One thing is sure, they really rushed things up for this first episode, it all went way too fast. Prison Break was always like this but after one first rushed opening episode then we've got really long seasons (except of Season 3). Now there's only 8 episodes left, wish they get renewed for one more season at least! :) I'm so happy. First X-Files, now Prison Break and pretty soon Twin Peaks, a dream come true to me. My favorite 3 shows of all time came back from the dead :P good, even though there's been quite a bunch of filler episodes, this seasons really moved things forward. hope that we get to see some damned aliens in the season finale. :P Nah, Prison Break's new season is a 9 episodes event, it's all been filmed already. She's gonna be 100% available when it comes (if it comes) the time to film Colony's season 3.