Traveler's Replies

I saw that too! I'm glad everything is working fine for you now ;-) Well, my main brower is Firefox but when I use Chrome, <a href="">TamperMonkey</a> is my script manager. Scripts are basically tiny extensions, except that they work in any browser! So you just have to install TamperMonkey, then go to <a href="">the script page</a> and hit the friendly green &quot;Install this script&quot; button. TamperMonkey will open a new page, <a href="">just click &quot;install&quot;</a>. And voilĂ , done! Haaa, I was editing my previous post but you answered quickly! So yeah like I said basically the same thing, there isn't the &quot;contribute&quot; section where his iframe is attached (the MovieChat board). That's why it isn't working. But really you should ask on Greasyfork :-) The combined and reference views are basically the same thing (with the former you see the full cast, not the latter). If you look at an URL on IMDB (in your case), it will end with &quot;/combined&quot; or &quot;/reference&quot;. The script doesn't work yet with this specific view. Still! You really should create an account on Greasyfork and add your voice to <a href="">this discussion</a>. Because drhouse will only make his script compatible with the combined view if he gets &quot;multiple requests&quot; for it. There are already two people asking for it. Be the third! And let the script running, we never know, maybe he will make it compatible in a few days :-) Well, that's weird. So you don't see <a href="">this</a> at the bottom of the page..? If you don't, open a ticket <a href="">here on Greasyfork</a>, drhouse will do his best to fix this (he's a really reactive man). EDIT: Just so you know, it doesn't work natively with or if you're using the combined view. &gt; We currently have a message board for every single movie and TV show on IMDB (that's over 4 million!). Well I don't know if you salvaged everything, but <a href="">some guy did a backup too</a>. Apparently it's legit. He &quot;only&quot; archived 1.9 million posts, but maybe it contains some we don't have here? Anyway, I reported it just in case. That's a great idea, actually. Since this website is ad-free, it might be helpful to be able to receive donations from outside the US. Well, I don't really know. Maybe talk about it on Twitter/Facebook. I'm not encouraging anyone to spam, just post once and you're done. Classy. If we see someone still mad/sad because IMDb shut down the message boards, just redirect them here. And, obviously, tell your friends ;-) I feel like <a href="">this</a> should be stickied on top of every message board... (Don't forget the mouseover text) (<a href="">mobile link</a>) There's a way to bring them back, man (<a href="">sort of</a>)! I think a collaboration between the three of you would be great. You could create an alternate view as we can see on Jakue's gif (more power to the user) and maybe you could also find a way to display MovieChat boards directly from the &quot;Add new post&quot; balise? (in fact, as we can see on Jakue's gif too) And then create extensions (Firefox/Chrome) for the less tech savvy among us. I don't know if all of this is doable (my coding skills are limited), but hey :-) Quite simple: nothing. This script is doing nothing but bringing back visitors. They didn't want to deal with message boards anymore and now someone else is doing it for them? Good, let it be. Everybody wins here. (Also it's just a script, it isn't illegal.) Well, maybe you could see that with him over Greasyfork or Reddit, then? Currently same thing, only the format is different. My only fear is that this extension won't be updated and knowing that the script is updated frequently, I think it's best to use the latter. It's nice! It might help some people but I think it's easier to just use the script for now. Drhouse is really active and always updating his work. In the last 24h we already had 5ish updates. An extension might be a good idea once the script will be finalised, though :-) Edit: Have to admit I don't know how Chrome extensions work. Will it update itself now that you compiled it?