MovieChat Forums > CCRider01 > Replies
CCRider01's Replies
The CBC, bastion of all things "Liberally" and shill for Trudeau Lite, still have their comments section, but given how selective they are for which stories they allow comments, they might as well just remove them all together. Anything that could contradict their lefty globalist agenda, such as immigration and the boy wonder himself, is almost always off limits.
This movie will remain very highly ranked, but remain on top "akin" to The Dark Knight? Given that almost all high profile films drop at least a bit after the first couple of weeks, my bet would be the rating settles around 8.5, putting Dunkirk firmly in the top 50, not top 10.
Most high profile movies with a built in fan base, ie comic book or films with star directors, tend to start off with incredibly high IMDB ratings the first week or two. Once these films get more away from the hardcore "fanboys" (who are more likely to view and vote early) and more into the general public, the IMDB rating tends to drop. It is more likely that Dunkirk will drop a bit rather than move up, but only time will tell.
Fully agree, Tom Hardy is not an A-lister, a star who pulls in massive box office just off his name. None of his box office hit films were financial successes due to his "star" power, they would have been just as big with another capable actor in the same role. By that definition, there are very few true A-listers today, even someone like Scarlett Johansson, she was the highest grossing actress for 2016, not so much on her box office clout, but the fact she was cast in a few highly brandable franchise type films with massive commercial appeal. A true A-lister can help make even a very average movie (or one with a subject matter that appeals more to a select audience) return a decent profit.
Yep, in the past it took large armies to invade countries, now all it takes is spineless Liberal politicians.
He is not a great actor but is very likable with good comedic delivery, and when given suitable material, ie Deadpool, can be very entertaining.
Cage has a far superior film resume, and over a much longer span of his career. Beginning in 1982 (small part in Fast Times At Ridgemont High) to 2005 with Lord of War, Cage was in a whole bunch of films that were at the least entertaining, and quite often well above average in quality. Cage also demonstrated surprising versatility over that time period, doing serious drama, comedy, and action films.
And yet here you are replying numerous times over a simple comment. Spending 90 minutes in a movie theater on a free ticket is also worth it.
And yet here you are replying numerous times over a simple comment
Where in my comment did I say I disliked the movie? The humor was lame, the movie was ok, did you also miss the free ticket part?
So you are a nerd for disliking something? Everyone liked? Get over yourself. Regarding the "humor" in this film, it could be argued that someone is more of a nerd for liking it.
Free ticket and the rest of this mindless popcorn movie is ok.
The humor was forced and lame just like the first film.
C. Excellent film worthy of being in the top 250, but no where near the top 10.