[email protected]'s Replies

Yeah, a reminder of why inherited rule is maybe not always a great system of government Heh, everyone used to call them D&D. But maybe ADD is a better name for them. We just need to figure out what the "A" stands for. That was a nice shot, but it's been done enough times that it felt a little played when I saw it again last night. Or, maybe a call for someone to get a dagger to Melania "Totally dead" - No, spinoffs are coming. "filled with non-GoT banter" - there's plenty of that already If you believe the media, industry execs and observers had wondered whether a female-led comics/action film was a safe investment. Whether Wonder Woman might be able to carry the franchise. Whether DC could play in the same league as Marvel when it comes to movies. F3 for short - I love it Looks like Disney may be serious about presenting different body types for its leading ladies after all! We may actually see her get pretty muscular over the next two films. She's been doing strength training: https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/rey-from-star-wars-deadlifted-187-pounds-how-does-that-make-you-feel/ Worldwide BO approaching $600 million. How will they squeak by with only $400 million+ in profit, before disc sales and merchandising. Because it was expected. All the major Marvel movies are going to be blockbusters, any anything less than 100 million would be a disappointment. But there were a lot of questions about DC films going forward after BvS and Suicide Squad. Safe to say that WW has answered those questions, for now. Except that there are plenty of decent female MMA fighters who are pretty slim, too. Paige Van Zant, Michele Waterson, etc Yes, Nymeria (whip girl) was hanged with her own whip, and Obara (spear girl) was impaled with a spear. He's more of an Iron Horse kinda guy. Who knew there were bikers in Westeros? Something for everyone: Lots of character development, especially for Arya and Dany. And the return of Hot Pie! Lots of plot development and character motivation insights, especially Cersei and Dany. And a terrific scene between Lady Olenna and Dany. Plenty of action, with some very GoT deaths. Good attention to smaller storylines, like Jorah's greyscale, Randall Tarly's conundrum, Varys' sticky situation, etc "she's a far-gone remorseless killer now" Not necessarily. The point of that scene with Ed Sheeran and the Lannister footsoldiers was to remind Arya that not all her enemies are sadistic murderers. Most of the Lannister clan is actually just regular guys cashing a paycheck. The camera lingered on the swords for a moment, but we didn't see anyone get killed. Which is a big contrast from the outcome of her previous run-ins with Lannister soldiers and bannermen, that usually ended with Arya and the Hound put a sword through all their necks. Now if someone comes across a troop of dead Lannisters with their faces removed on the Kingsroad in the next few eipsodes, then we'll know Arya's soul is lost. But right now she is concerned with getting justice for the people who murdered her family, not with killing everyone who happens across her path. Is Arya still headed to her home in the North? Or did the encounter with Nymeria convince her to follow her own path, back to King's Landing? I was just happy to see him bleed out on the other throne Those were both brilliant! If the question is "Who is playing the Game of Thrones?" The #1 answer is: Littlefinger But I still see him as the antagonist, and destined for an ignoble end Thanks for catching my references!