Blackbeard's Replies

Look who's talking! Your initial posts are all misogynistic, homophobic typical incel posts. YOU have been reported! Pathetic whiney little brat, go back to bed before your Mommy spanks you again. I had plenty of my own replies along with proving how low IQ YOU actually are, but you are so pathetic and childish, you just keep going with your lame and immature responses... all of this because YOUR initial posts were typical incel troll posts... and I wasn't the only one calling you out, everyone sees what a complete douche troll you are. You're pathetic, childish, and boring. Once again, get out of your Mommy's basement and get a fucking life. Just ignore einstein. Its just a bot to spread misinformation. Super sad and pathetic. Just ignore einstein. Its just a bot to spread misinformation. Super sad and pathetic. Pathetic and lazy attempt asshole. But you want to paly these games, bring it on fuckhead...Just ignore einstein. Its just a bot to spread misinformation. Super sad. Really, we're just going to go back and forth for the rest of the year like this you pathetic fuckhead... ok, bring it on. Obvious troll is SO very obvious since you were the one that started all of this with your initial post... YOU are the only troll here. Yep, you're an obvious troll. First, I never said I liked the show or not, I was simply pointing out how factually wrong you were regarding Agathta's "Marvel Character" status... though, it didn't matter to you if you were wrong or not, you just went out of your way to make a troll post because you have nothing better to do in your pathetic life. That makes YOU the dipshit. Idiot, the character first appeared in Fantastic Four issue #94 in October 1969, Agatha is a Marvel character straight from the comics, and an important one too. But once again, the misogynistic incels come out to bitch and whine about something no one is forcing you to watch. Agreed! I love the way she can shift in and out of those personalities… she’s always been one of my favorite actresses. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of this series develops. The only one sad and pathetic here is you… and you keep mentioning “Russian Troll bot” I’m beginning to think you really are the Russian Troll (though not a bot, you obviously don’t understand how bots work you moron.) Either way, you’re fucking boring, get a life. The only one sad and pathetic here is you… and you keep mentioning “Russian Troll bot” I’m beginning to think you really are the Russian Troll (though not a bot, you obviously don’t understand how bots work you moron.) Either way, you’re fucking boring, get a life. Lame attempt at deflecting. Go get a job so you're not living off your Mommy. And if you noticed, I'm not the only one calling you out, that means YOU'RE the Troll fuckhead. I doubt you're a Russian troll bot though, they're usually smarter than that, I'm thinking a mid-west or southern boy, or worse, a Chav from the shitty part of London... but nah, you're a cracker from 'Merica. Exposed at hunting trolls like you and the OP of this thread. I usually only respond to people that make asinine or misogynistic posts/comments, and usually the majority of the people also call these same people out, like in this thread, and your own thread. That means YOU are the troll that has been exposed, and again, how pathetic that you re following me around now on other threads. Let me guess, you still live at your Mom's house. Does she have to work an extra job to support you both (since you are obviously not working at all.) Again, you're pathetic as fuck. Wow, what a pathetic life you must have that you are now stalking me on other threads... no, people like YOU are the pathetic trolls, and I'm simply calling you all out. It's always the misogynistic incels like you that have no life and make the lamest effort in trolling. As I said in the other thread, get a fucking life! Look who is talking once again. Your whole initial post is an insult to women you stupid misogynistic fuck. I made my argument in my very first (and several other) replies to you, and you just went on and on acting like a child and being insulting as well. Again, look at how you started this whole thread... You're pathetic and boring. Move the fuck on you idiot. There's no agenda fuckhead, that's the point. It's a fictional backstory about a character from the previous movie which happened to be a woman, and you threw a shit-fit like the typical incel that you are. Grow up and get a life. Ooh, not a good sign when you shout in all CAPS. That means you are coming unhinged… did I hit a nerve? Again, your initial post proves my point. You're just embarrassing yourself. Speaking of self reflection, look in the mirror... who the fuck complains about a movie just because they "put a chick in it"? Again, it's either the lamest attempt at trolling, or you are the most pathetic incel ever (obviously, both.) Just the way you structure your sentences its clear you're either 13 years old and your parents did not do a very good job at raising you (did your Daddy leave your Mom when you were young, or did he abuse you?) or your IQ is so low that you are desperately trying to deflect every time you respond to me... you know, just like Trump would do. Typical unintelligent bullshitting ass-clown. Now YOU stay down for your own good. Nope, look at your initial post fucktard, typical incel troll whining about a “chick” in a movie that’s actually about a female character… THAT is a troll. Grow the fuck up and get a life, you’re pathetic. You obviously didn’t pay very close attention… NOT alien beings, but <spoiler>faerie/fae creatures that have lived there for thousands of years but lost their wings and most of their magic.</spoiler>