April-151-CT's Replies

I'm surprised nobody else came up with it. Every time I heard the movie talked about on TV, every time I saw the movie talked about on here, and not one person mentioned Gods and Monsters. I was very surprised. I highly recommend it. 👍👍 He might be a registered democrat, but he's always been a moderate. Gods and Monsters. I said it's an Oscar winning movie for screenplay. He was at his physical and acting peak at the time. Haven't you ever seen his other Oscar winning (for screenplay) "Whale" movie?? His acting was top-notch in that as well. Good for him!!!! 👍👍👍👍 Nope. Nah, it's not. Most definitely not a B movie and it was near perfection from beginning to end. Jesus christ he's rocking those heels LOL 😆😆😆😆 Quoting from another member because he was so spot on: <blockquote>Will Smith.... revealed his true self to millions of people. A screaming, raving DB who can't control himself. And 15 minutes later....people gave him a standing o?????? People are stupid.</blockquote> Troll ✔️ Mentally handicapped ✔️✔️ Pedo ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️ Looks spooky as hell from the front when he's walking for sure. 😆😆 It's baaaaaaaack lol. 😁😁 https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article5634009.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/grab3.png Steer clear of all shelving and bookcases. Hopefully someday you'll see the inside of a prison cell where you belong. It's due to having an extremely sad, miserable existence. <blockquote>it's not against the rules I believe to have several accounts so he's technically not doing anything wrong. <b>Do not attempt to evade these Standards or the enforcement thereof by creating multiple accounts, using different IP addresses or proxies, or any other means of evasion</b></blockquote>