MovieChat Forums > USAFMXOfficer_2015 > Replies
USAFMXOfficer_2015's Replies
Fanamir are they attempting to capture old posts from IMDb over there? Here they are....and have done great so far
And now everyone understands the theory of TIME ZONES, and how 12:00 midnight where you are sitting may NOT be the same all over the world!!!!
All Hail the Mighty Jim!!!!! HEAR HEAR!!!! Thanks dude, really appreciate this! If I can help in any way let me know....
Type movie name you are looking for then smash forehead into the bottom center of your keyboard and voila!!
Yep.... I feel like Jason Robards in "The Day After"
Well Whoop-dee-doo for IMDB2....that site SUUUCCKKKKSSS.....can't navigate worth sheeyit there. I am a MovieChat fan!!
Yep I am here in MovieChat for the long haul I guess
the leader knows how to keep her bangs perfectly cropped. I like in Talking Dead where the dude said they look like rejects from a Star Trek convention.
Yes and it is great knowing that if you want to discuss "Booty Call: The Director's Cut" good ole moviechat can accomodate!
Rome wasn't built in a day....I believe is being run by some dude in his garage on a commodore 64....give him a break!
I am here! I escaped IMDb before it collapsed...
Yes this looks like the place!!! [plants lawn chair down] and