kittensandpuppies's Replies

If he's dead or alive it won't change my life any. But why put his young children through that back then unless they were in on it -- which would be strange if you ask me. That movie was called Fireproof. Kirk Cameron played the husband and kissed his real wife. Good movie. I was waiting for that one! :) This is a spiritual thing, not so much a logical one. Earlier I explained the blindness of the world because the world lives in darkness. I know Satan exists because I've seen his work. And my Savior warned me of his evil. He's very cunning and tricky. He seeks to devour (1Peter 5:8) He knows he's going to hell and he wants to take as many casualties with him. This includes the "religious." It breaks my heart to know that people think they're doing right by God when in reality it's just the opposite and will die in their sin. As I said before, if one is not going to trust Jesus and follow him, they might as well live it up here and be an athiest. There are many unbelievers such as yourself who have read the bible but can't get out of it what His children can. It's a spiritual book. I'm not at all saying that people are too dumb to get it. That is far from what I'm trying to get across here. He will reveal things in a different light if you trust Him and are sincerely open to it. Matt 7:7 Take care. :) I don't know how else to explain it, cat. As another poster kindly mentioned earlier on this thread, Christianity is a relationship instead of a religion. I understand that it can be classified that way especially to those who don't believe. I can understand why this can sound confusing but I wholeheartedly stand by it. I'll give it another go. I follow the Word of God (or try to as best as I humanly can) instead of man-made rules or traditions of a particular church, what I call "religion" which answers your question about the definition of "religion." I grew up "religious." I followed what the church said to do according to them. It wasn't until I accepted Jesus as my Savior that my eyes were then opened -- as if I couldn't see before and suddenly put on a perfect pair of glasses with clarity and brilliance that I had never experienced. I then saw and recognized that the church I was born in raised in wasn't teaching the true Gospel but actually sending me down a very dangerous path. Sure, some parts were touched on biblically speaking but they added things in there that aren't biblical and even sold downright lies to me. Anything "works-based" is a religion and I'll take it a step further and call it a cult. Religion was an opponent of Jesus during his ministry here on earth. The Pharisees failed to recognize God Himself when He was literally standing right in front of them (John 8:19). They had chosen religion over relationship. Jesus called them out on it. When people live in darkness they cannot see. This is why the world is so blind. I know you don't believe but I'm just trying to explain what has been revealed to me because you asked. Once again, I thank you for giving me that chance. Yes, I guess you could ask me the same question! I don't post very often (I do it in spurts) but I've been here since just before the IMDB boards shut down. I usually just read this board but once in a while I look through other ones although I can't remember posting on very many. I don't visit all the time because the traffic is not that big yet and I can catch up on what threads I'm interested in pretty quickly, even if I don't add to the conversation. I will click on your name and see what you are discussing. I'm not a Lucy, Dick Van Dyke, blackish or a Big Bang Theory fan so I probably won't read those boards. I grew up watching Bewitched so maybe that one. I was more of a Munsters, Gilligan's Island, Honeymooners, Brady Bunch, Partridge Family, Leave It To Beaver, Wonder Years, Three's Company, Twilight Zone, Night Gallery kind of fan. I remember just before the boards closed, there was another message board I would read and the "pee-ster" as you call him, and his minions were all gathered there spewing their usual garbage but a few weeks later you had to create a username just to read anything. I didn't care to create one and haven't been there since. It was a one way street with the discussions and they had no one to argue with. Same stuff being hashed over. Maybe since then they found someone to play with. I really don't care. Nice to see you, too! Maybe we'll chat soon again! Take care. pj!!!!! How are you???!!! Where are you posting these days? I don't see much of you. The View board is dead. Chelsea is a guest today :S "Develop medical reasons" cracked me up! Yes, my pets are another reason, too. I'm kinda a homebody anyway. I'd rather have friends over and play board games, grill outside.... Aww klownz. I think you may have a future in greeting cards. It's all Him but I appreciate that, Daggerboard. I hope you'll chime in, too! Medical reasons will keep me at home but my ideas of vacations are going to amusement parks with the best rollercoasters. It's been a while but I love Cedar Point and Kings Island. The Beast is my kind of ride. I could stay on that thing for hours upon hours, non stop. Thank you for saying so, Daggerboard! Comments like mine are usually not received very well. And thank you for pointing out that it's a RELATIONSHIP. I failed to mention that. You are a believer? Continued.... I know you don't believe in the devil but just because you don't believe doesn't mean he doesn't exist. That's exactly what he wants you to think. He's very tricky and the epitome of evil. Speaking of things being relevant today, The Bible is relevant and just as current as it’s ever been. People claim it’s “outdated” which simply is not true! They haven’t read it! God is the creator of everything. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible will always be relevant and current. The same principals are applied now as they always have been. I realize you don’t believe in what I’m saying and that’s ok. I wish only good things for you, cat. I appreciate us being able to have an adult conversation about this. May God bless you. Sorry for the delay in responding. Spiritual talk is complicated to explain; especially online. I don't associate myself with any "religion." I'm a Christian, plain and simple. Christian meaning "follower of Christ." Here's what I believe to give you a better idea of where I'm coming from: I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe in the Trinity (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit). I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary. I believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins and Jesus rose again on the third day, proving his sacrifice was sufficient. I believe if anyone truly surrenders to Jesus and asks to be saved, repents from their sins, will be saved. I grew up in a "religion" that told me I can "work" toward my own salvation (false). Told me to pray to Mary and "saints" (false) Told me that baptism in part saves me (false) Told me that Purgatory is where you go first when you die (FALSE) Told me to pray for the dead to get them into heaven (false) These are just a few examples (there are many, many more). It's true they told me that Jesus is the Son of God and they also believe in the Trinity. Like I said earlier, many religions sprinkle in some Christianity but add their own ideas (lies) to it, which are very dangerous. Anything added to or taken away from is dangerous. This was a ritual-type of church I grew up in and it holds people in bondage. They're better off being athiests. That might sound shocking for me to say but they're wasting their time. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and paid the FULL penalty. There's nothing we can do to "earn" our salvation. Churches or rituals themselves can't save anyone. Only Jesus saves. Christianity in and of itself really is not a religion but I can understand why the world makes this mistake. Guess who had more issues with "religion" than anyone? Jesus did. Continued.... I appreciate your kindness and sincerity, cat. It is nice to have a pleasant conversation with someone with opposing views, especially online because they tend to get heated. I'm anything but religious though. I find religion corrupt. I speak from a biblical perspective. The Bible is very clear on Jesus being the ONLY way. It sounds very exclusive, doesn't it? That's because it is. The devil is very sneaky and he knows he's going to hell and he wants to take as many people down with him. He's the father of lies and he loves to tell the world there are many paths to heaven, which is not biblical in any way, not to mention a complete insult to God. Of course Jesus wants us to do good deeds, be kind, compassionate, etc. Those are all wonderful things He teaches. God's Word is clear that we could never do enough on our own accord to enter heaven and that's why He sent a Savior. God's word says without the Son, there is no life. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life." I just meant it as "oh really?" That's the saying, cat. It seems to me that throughout my life, people who expect bad or disappointing things to come their way so they're not "let down" when it happens are usually nervous, negative and just plain miserable people. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Some of these people I know personally are even on depression medication which makes me wonder how bad they'd be if they weren't on it. I'm not making light of what's going on inside them nor am I saying the meds aren't necessary for them. I also have noticed they try to make everyone around them just as miserable as they are and they'll disregard anything positive you may say or how you live. They also tend to be insecure. These are just my observations. Is that right? From one cat to another;) I appreciate your response. Even moreso since you don't believe in heaven or hell but were respectful toward my post. Please don't misunderstand, being a genuinely good person IS something we should all strive to be! All I was saying, and you may not understand this or believe it, but many people are under the wrong impression on what gets a person into heaven. Jesus is the only way. He paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. We can't save ourselves. Our good deeds here on earth aren't good enough before a Holy God and it's impossible to earn our own way. Wow! I was being sincere. I would hardly call the God of everything a crutch. Best wishes to you. God gave you life and a free will of what to make of it. Sure, some are born in situations that are much tougher than what others may face. No one's life is the same or are dealt the same cards. Some are born sick or without limbs. It sounds like you are more blessed than that. If we really look at our lives and listed all the things we've been blessed with, you may be surprised to learn you have more to be thankful for and less to complain about. The meaning of life is a big question for most, I would think and you can easily get burned out doing the same thing day in and day out. I know I've experienced this myself. I'd get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch some TV, go to bed and do it again the next day. It wasn't until I let Jesus in my life did anything change. My outlook on life became completely different. Everything was that much richer because the 'void' had been filled in a way that nothing else could even begin to compare or last in the way Jesus does. I grew up with 'religion' but not with the living God. Religion is nothing but a man made idea with some Christianity sprinkled in. I always thought I was a Christian until I really became one. The 'blinders' had been removed. Everything was so much clearer. I've been married a long time now and have grown kids of my own. Most of the time I feel like I do the same things day in and day out but I have an unexplainable joy and peace inside me. I view things more in a positive light than a negative one and I have an abundance to be thankful for. Do I have it easy? At times I don't. Everyone goes through things. This is one way we grow and learn. No matter what happens, my faith is so deep that no one can snatch that from me and I know where I'm going when I die. I know I will live eternally with my Savior, Jesus Christ. It saddens me deeply to think of those who won't go to heaven, and many won't. It has nothing to do with "being a good person." None of us are because of sin. krl, I rarely read this board (mostly read the general board and rarely post) but I just wanted to applaud everything you took the time to write and explain. You got your points across clearly and honestly without rudeness. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate it and I wholeheartedly agree with you! I may have to visit this board more often :)