Ridiculous final act

In no way was the final act even remotely plausible, not even in the context of the film universe it's based in.

They have 30 years to get a proper military strike organised and instead go in guns ablaze with 5 if so people... (The throwaway lines about governments bureaucracy were meaningless).


Yeah that was silly! So they sent hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths in this future fight, then when one comes back with not only a weapon that can wipe out the enemy, but also with fairly logical evidence of their location in the present, they just decide to disregard everything he says and accept mankinds eventual destruction? That is incredibly stupid and implausible.

To be honest, did they even need the macguffin virus to kill the queen? Once you know where the ship was in the present and all the aliens were in the same confined area, just bomb the fuck out of it. It was in the middle of nowhere Siberia so you could go nuclear if need be.


"did they even need the macguffin virus to kill the queen?"

That was what I think the whole time.


I agree.

In fact they completely missed the point of having a time machine.
They needed Doc Brown to explain!
All they needed to do when they appeared in that football stadium was say.
"Hey look yo , Aliens are gonna appear in Siberia in x years . get ready"

Along the same lines why was the guy so worried about saving his daughter in the future when plan A was take poison back and completely erase that timeline?
It'd would have been more sensible to shoot her in the back of the head when not looking just to make sure her death was painless , then return to the past and makesure she had a happy , productive , non alien fighting life.


Nothing they did was going to "erase that timeline." Apparently you weren't paying attention.


yeah i have since realised they must be on the "A doesent affect B" model , otherwise bringing your ancestors from the past to have them slaughterered is literally playing out the "grandfather paradox"

I'm still not sure where in the movie that was exaplined. That piece about " a river with 2 boats on it " didnt seem to cover it.

Also I have real trouble with the split timelines model. They seem to use both in back to the future.
So when they won in the end , in our present , what happened to the timeline where the Aliens decimated the planet in the future?


>>>Siberia so you could go nuclear if need be.<<<
And that wouldn't result in some sort of retaliation from Russia or China? They specifically mention that relations have tumbled when the time portal went down.


I'm not saying launch a surprise ICBM without informing the rest of the world. Obviously inform sister countries, but considering the end of world stakes, this would be a no brainer decision.

It would be like finding a spacecraft full of frozen xenomorphs buried in Wyoming. We wouldn't hesitate to turn that entire state into glass and nobody would question that decision too harshly.


Which would still result in a nuclear counterattack. Do you think all the nuclear powers don't watch for missiles? They do today. They have for 70 years. If anyone launched a missile today, without informing everyone they were doing so, retaliation would be immediate. They might eliminate the aliens and then plunge earth into a nuclear war. Not really a good tradeoff.


Lol I missed a NOT in that first sentence. My bad!

My point was not even the most insane of dictators would hesitate to work with the rest of world if they know fill well they could squash that threat instantly.


Or for that matter, in the future, why did they need the virus to kill the queen when all the drones invaded? Just frikkin' shoot her with the biggest gun you have - a lot, or set her on fire or... or... Then he can still take the toxin back to the past and presumably the drones would stop their attack when there was no queen to save.


well , they wanted a "boss battle" i guess.


The stupidest thing to me was how they deduced the exact location.


Lol it's not like Siberia is big or anything!


Where was a Schedule A form mentioned?


My bad, I mistranslated it from spanish, which is my native language.


Yeah, and only one kid in the universe is an expert on volcanoes.


That was such a dumb moment.

"where can we find an expert on volcanoes?"

Maybe the Geology department of any university!


lol, probably they need a quick answer, and that kid is the first person Dan can think of


They had 26 years. I think that's enough time to get a more qualified answer than from a 15 year old high school student.



It’s dumb, but fun in an Alien meets The Thing kinda way.
And how’d they rustle up all that equipment?
Icy snow with windchill probably to 75 below, no heat, no experience, no idea where?
In the movies, no problem.


I wondered about the equipment, too. 7 snowmobiles? Seriously?


This movie was so ridiculous in so many ways. From small mistakes to huge awkward ones. Most of it comes down to having a bad/poor director.


While I agree with all of that I have to say it was fun too. Like the type of stories I told when I was 8 or something. Crazy as hell but fun.


The entire movie was ridiculous.

If it had played up the campiness it could have been a B-movie treat but instead it was a boring CGI spectacle with a predictable and dull storyline. I only just lasted the overlong running time.



All they had to do was say they didn't want the aliens to be weaponized or tested on by some state agency, and instead opted to go in and wipe them out themselves. That was my assumption, knowing full well that Russia, China The US or any other nation would do so, given the chance.
