MovieChat Forums > Promising Young Woman (2020) Discussion > It’s true, Carey Mulligan is not hot eno...

It’s true, Carey Mulligan is not hot enough for this role

A film critic implied this, and Mulligan hit him on Twitter and there was a general cancel culture pile-on. But he was absolutely right.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t endorse when trolls complain that other female protagonists are not attractive enough. Even if it’s a romcom or whatever, I’m fine with any woman playing a role in an actual romance. That happens in real life, people who aren’t super conventionally attractive still find love.

But when the premise is that you are going out as eye candy, as bait to reel in super shallow d-bags, then you need to be able to present yourself as the kind of woman who is so hot as to be able to lure jerks like that to their doom. And Kerry Mulligan is not that, especially not now. It just strains credulity too much.

I’m not throwing stones from a glass house. If I were an actor, I would not try out for a role like the one Ryan Gosling played in CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE. The script clearly calls for an actor who has ridiculous washboard abs (that a gobsmacked Emma Stone remarks “look Photoshopped”) and I do not have those. If I played the role for some ridiculous reason, and a critic called out the fact that I don’t have those abs, I would not cry and whine about it. I should have known better, and so should Mulligan.


An excellent point and reality check for all parties involved.


I remember reading about this brouhaha. Now that I've seen the film, I can recognize the criticism for what it is: completely stupid.

Misogynists normally complain that almost all women can have one night stands (ONS)-- and that's what Mulligan was offering here (a ONS, not a long term relationship). Generally, women will have ONS with men who are more physically attractive than their baseline for dating. Men will have ONS with women who are less physically attractive than their baseline. In other words, women are "getting" an attractive man, but sacrificing the prospect of love and commitment. The trade-off for men is instant sex without promises/effort/much hoop-jumping. Females tend to be choosier for reasons that are obvious.

A man who has a lot of ONS, especially with attractive women, is probably going to be very, very handsome (hence Gosling). If anything, Mulligan was probably too attractive. A knockout who is passed out will have multiple guys competing to take care of her. The film suggests a lone "nice guy" typically takes her home. The not-so-nice-guys are unwilling to take advantage of her?? The only way it works for the protagonist to be scorching hot is if the movie suggests that's a necessary condition for nice guys to risk rape charges, but that's silly because all types of young women are raped.

The only scene where she needed to be attractive was as the stripper for the bachelor party, though in real-life a lot of strippers do not look like movie strippers. Everybody in film is noticeably more attractive than their real-life counterparts.


I respect that you used evolutionary psychology to support your case.


A woman that looks like Mulligan would get a lot of guys hitting on her, especially if she is almost passed out drunk.

Some guys just want to get laid and they hit on girls that are not the hottest because they feel it is an easier prey.

Either way, Mulligan is easily an 8 and would get a lot of attention.


I respect the argument that she doesn’t need to be that hot for this to work. But I can’t agree with you that she’s an 8. When she was in DRIVE she was an 8, but she has aged badly and is now a 6 at best. (BTW, I don’t only make these kinds of judgements about women: I watched the premiere of the new season of SURVIVOR this week and commented to everyone I know that Jeff Probst looks like he has aged a decade or more since the last season. I may be mean, but not in a gendered way.)


Wow. I’ve stumbled into a kindergarten. Mulligan is perfect for the role. Most guys will fuck a mud puddle. Do not waste your time telling me I’m wrong. I’ve probably been a man a lot longer than you have. I just watched the movie and it’s clear that Cassie’s defining quality is intelligence. She’s a master puppeteer who can make men who in the moment have all their blood in their dicks and none at all reaching their brains. I think this is an outstanding movie with solid casting choices. It is your prerogative to disagree. You can also, similarly, elect to be shallow and limit your joy in life.


I enjoy your evocative phrase about guys and mudpuddles!

But in any case, this movie wouldn’t work for me even with more ideal casting. The writing, directing, and cinematography are not to my taste. It kind of reminds me of that whole candy-colored “But I’m a Cheerleader” type of movie. Garish look, everything is underlined, nothing is subtle. The scene with the lawyer is particularly embarrassing. And that’s an actor I have liked in literally everything else I’ve ever seen him in.
