It’s true, Carey Mulligan is not hot enough for this role
A film critic implied this, and Mulligan hit him on Twitter and there was a general cancel culture pile-on. But he was absolutely right.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t endorse when trolls complain that other female protagonists are not attractive enough. Even if it’s a romcom or whatever, I’m fine with any woman playing a role in an actual romance. That happens in real life, people who aren’t super conventionally attractive still find love.
But when the premise is that you are going out as eye candy, as bait to reel in super shallow d-bags, then you need to be able to present yourself as the kind of woman who is so hot as to be able to lure jerks like that to their doom. And Kerry Mulligan is not that, especially not now. It just strains credulity too much.
I’m not throwing stones from a glass house. If I were an actor, I would not try out for a role like the one Ryan Gosling played in CRAZY, STUPID, LOVE. The script clearly calls for an actor who has ridiculous washboard abs (that a gobsmacked Emma Stone remarks “look Photoshopped”) and I do not have those. If I played the role for some ridiculous reason, and a critic called out the fact that I don’t have those abs, I would not cry and whine about it. I should have known better, and so should Mulligan.