The best marvel movie to date

I've seen a lot of hate for this and I don't get why honestly, it has a great story and wanda is literally queen. Honestly better than all of the spider-man movies (including raimi and webb), and revivals the dark knight in a few areas (has a more consistent tone and darker story). How could someone hate this movie when it's pure fun?


"I've seen a lot of hate for this and I don't get why honestly...."

I don't hate it. But I do understand the criticism the movie got. Since you "don't get why", you cared to post about it here and if you're honestly interested in knowing. At your own choice, view this incredibly well detailed video on YouTube about the whole movie, it's about a month old and gotten way over 1.6 million views so far:

Like you. At first I enjoyed it and thought it was fun also, but I did notice many flaws.
