MovieChat Forums > WolfgangPacman
WolfgangPacman (4)
"Better if… both her and America are in it. That’s right. Ms. Chavez is awesome and, unfortunately for her detractors (most on this site naturally but luckily this site ain’t speaking for the world), here to stay."
- DracTarashV.
First of all Patty Guggenheim is awesome as Madisynn. And Jeez!! Look at your plain weak attempt at virtue signalling, you narcissist. By your statement alone, you are highly likely some perverted pedo who just wants to see more of the actor for lust than anything.
Hey, people are allowed to have opinions and will have them, opinions are "here to stay." Learn to accept it, since you don't... go enjoy being a commie.
BTW, you should know in the past year America Chavez figures dolls toys are frequently spotted on shelves as peg warmers. Very high supply toys and very low demand. Similar to those America Chavez comic books, just don't sell. Ask yourself why is that??? 😎
"I've seen a lot of hate for this and I don't get why honestly...."
I don't hate it. But I do understand the criticism the movie got. Since you "don't get why", you cared to post about it here and if you're honestly interested in knowing. At your own choice, view this incredibly well detailed video on YouTube about the whole movie, it's about a month old and gotten way over 1.6 million views so far:
Like you. At first I enjoyed it and thought it was fun also, but I did notice many flaws.
The voice and he is really great at that. So many positive things about this show and BF is one of the top ones. Wish I knew more people watch the show. It is being overlooked and is so underrated.
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