The last episode recapped her life when the "feds" were discussing how she got her powers and became an Avenger.
1. Joined Hydra and actively fought against the Avengers.
2. Sided with Ultron.
3. The incident in Civil War the led to civilian deaths.
4. Joining the anti-accords side in Civil War.
5. Breaking into SWORD and stealing Vision's body.
6. Holding an entire town hostage.
When the SWORD director (Monica's boss) is explaining all this, Rambeau and Woo interrupt, saying something like, "She's not one of the bad guys." (Most) people deserve second chances. That's fine. That's not a problem. Everyone screws up at least once in life. But there's a pattern with her, but once again the government (SWORD) s the bad guy and poor Wanda can't help herself. It's not her fault. Never is. It's kind of old. The government isn't always wrong/heroes right. That's some bullshit.
I haven't watched this week's episode. I am a normal working human being, so no spoilers, but yeah. She's never wrong, she's almost never sorry - she felt bad for a minute before Cap talked her into not feeling back - and she rejects any and all responsibility for her actions. This government bad, heroes (always) good shit is old. And Wanda isn't likeable at all, though I will say Olsen's performance is VASTLY improved.
And they did it again just this past episode. I can't stand Rambeau. She makes Wanda - who is holding an entire town hostage - a victim. This whole heroes never wrong, government back crap is OLD.
3...That was 100% an accident....some terrorist was there attacking the city....she, Cap and Falcon were fighting to PROTECT the city. The TERRORIST set off the bomb. She tried to save everyone but couldn't get the bomb all the way to a safe location. They keep throwing that out as some "crime" as a plot device.
That was 100% an accident and the TERRORIST from HYDRA set off a bomb.....NOT HER.
4. Since when did there become a right or wrong side to that issue? You are just making stuff up. I mean they are trying to save the planet in Infinity War and that beaurocrat is still trying to arrest them. That was just dumb. Plot device to create a "civil war". There isn't a right and wrong side to that issue, "outlawing" superheroes from trying to save the day. Please.
5. How does the body "BELONG" to SWORD? If she can bring him back to life then that is between her and Vision. It is none of SWORDS business. You make it sound as if she is stealing SWORD'S private property.
She has more link, bond and claim to Vision than they do.
People accidentally kill someone all the time - and go to prison for it. It's called manslaughter. Happens every day. If a cop kills a suspect while trying to arrest them and it wasn't his/her intent to kill them - but that it was a product of the series of events - I GUARANTEE you would want that cop punished. This is NO. DIFFERENT.
Heroes face almost no consequences. This is not something that extends to the average citizen because it is insane. Heroes are essentially cops/military. Cops and military have protocol, rules, laws, and people they report to. Heroes should be no different if they are to be considered more than vigilantes. But they rarely face consequences. Wanda never has. Bucky did for a hot minute and he's killed countless people.
Wanda has NO CLAIM to Vision. They are not married. And as mentioned by Woo, not only did bringing him back to life go against Vision's will, it's against the Accords. Wanda broke the law. Again. She's the villain of the show.
Your first paragraph. That is just intellectually dishonest. Your correlation isn't even close to being accurate.
HYDRA set off the bomb.......HYDRA set off a bomb in the middle of a city. They are responsible.......HYDRA is responsible........HYDRA.......the group setting off a bomb to kill innocents......the heroes trying their damndest to get the bomb out of the city before it blows up are not responsible if it blows up before it can be removed.
If you honestly think someone trying to get the bomb out are responsible then your moral compass is lost. If she had done nothing it would have blown up on the street and killed everyone within a 20-30 foot radius. Hydra killed them....not Wanda.
Last Paragraph.....once are nixing Wanda having any bond or claim to Vision.....but by default acting as if he belongs to SWORD. SWORD has no claim on VISION and SWORD cannot bring him back so calling Wanda wrong for getting him from SWORD has no merit.
Paragraph 2 has no evidence that signing some accord was right and not signing it was wrong. Your points have no legs. Just because you type it doesn't make it right.
No one got any bureaucratic authorization to fight Thanos, fight his "children", go back in time and bring people back, fight Thanos and his army a 2nd time. According to your BS everyone is wrong because EVERYTHING is neglecting any oversight before going super hero on the world.
"SWORD cannot bring him back so calling Wanda wrong for getting him from SWORD has no merit."
He didn't WANT TO come back. It's against his will and the LAW (the accords). Don't talk to me about merit and facts, you blatantly ignore facts. It's the LAW, end of story. It's against his will, end of story.
And you can't even bring yourself to talk about the fact she's holding a town hostage because you know she's wrong, which is why your calling me a troll. Can't have a conversation or dispute my argument, so you resort to ad hominem attacks. Classic logical fallacy.
Moving the goal post.
I never commented about that and never disagreed with that being wrong.
I never disagreed with point 6.
Why bring it up?
The show doesn’t say Wanda is justified or innocent and Vision calls her out in it. Hayward had a point but he is also ignoring her time as an Avenger, the fact that Vision’s body wasn’t theirs to dissect, or that Wanda might not he fully in control of her actions.
Maybe I am missing some moral teaching, but why is Vision not Sword’s to dissect? His soul was in an infinity stone was was long destroyed. He’s just a soulless machine created by Stark.
First of all, Shield and Sword are different entities. Secondly, why would Stark sell the body of his teammate? Especially to a government agency? He wouldn't even give them his suit.
He was never the sort of guy to sell his dead friend’s corpse to a government agency that would likely turn it into a weapon. Everything about this situation shows Sword got their hands on Vision through illegal or at least unethical means.
There’s one thing to ask for government oversight and something else to sell your teammate’s corpse to be a weapon. Assuming he kept it. Chances are, SWORD just robbed a grave.
Her time as an Avenger is irrelevant. It doesn't entitle her to take 1000s of people hostage. You could be a Saint your entire life, doesn't mean you can commit crimes.
Hayward is portrayed as the bad guy. Rambeau, Woo, and Darcy are trying to "help" poor Wanda. Not the towns folk, WANDA.
She knows what she'd doing. And I don't care if she doesn't. Makes her just as dangerous if she can't control herself.
The show flat-out says she is wrong for holding people hostage, multiple times. Also, Woo, Monica, etc. all got involved for the sole purpose of helping the townspeople. Just because they believe there's more to the story than Wanda just randomly being evil doesn't mean they don't care.
Yeah, no I didn't. Responded to them in my first post:
"Her time as an Avenger is irrelevant. It doesn't entitle her to take 1000s of people hostage. You could be a Saint your entire life, doesn't mean you can commit crimes.
Hayward is portrayed as the bad guy. Rambeau, Woo, and Darcy are trying to "help" poor Wanda. Not the towns folk, WANDA.
She knows what she'd doing. And I don't care if she doesn't. Makes her just as dangerous if she can't control herself. "
And you have yet to make a counter argument to my other points.
Also, it’s odd that you wouldn't care if Wanda was not in control and you agree with Hayward’s solution of just killing her outright. If a villain is potentially controlling her actions, doesn’t it make sense to find out who’s behind it so they can be stopped?
Rey never killed any innocents or held them hostage. Wanda is worse. I wish they'd actually pull the trigger and make her a full blown villain - Olsen's acting has improved tremendously and there's nothing really likable about her - but I know they won't. It won't be "her fault" once again.
She already is, they just won't call her one. Everything she does is selfish. Besides everything I already said, she didn't even want to help in Infinity War/Endgame. She wanted to run: She ain't a good person.