MovieChat Forums > Gretel & Hansel (2020) Discussion > A whole lot of nothing for a whole lot n...

A whole lot of nothing for a whole lot nothing

This was a weird movie to watch because the pace was so slow and nothing was happening a whole hour in. I felt that it was slowly but surely building to have a pretty entertaining climax....Wrong! Well it actually was entertaining for it's 2 minute entirety...and then more nothing. This was seriously the most dissatisfying movie that I have watched in the theater. I'm not saying it's the worst movie because this movie isnt bad, it's just tedious and disappointing. They really botched a pretty interesting take on the grimm fairy tale. Good idea, abysmal execution. However, I did like the cinematography.


Another slow & tedious movie which nothing happens is 1917.


Haven't seen it yet, but I definitely wanted to after seeing the trailer in the theater. I'll still give it a go eventually though.


I only mentioned it because it had great cinematography. Everyone's praising that movie, but the only thing great about it was the cinematography.


Yeah, I guess that is what really captivated me with the trailer.


I agree. I love the cinematography, the dialogue, the setting. The opening scenes where they leave home and journey in the dangerous forest was good. But once they reach the witch, the movie just drags on and on and I got so bored
