MovieChat Forums > Black Summer (2019) Discussion > Why did they have to put a Korean-speaki...

Why did they have to put a Korean-speaking girl?

It was so annoying having a character who spoke no English, meaning an inability to communicate with the other characters and with the audience.

Was it necessary to have a Korean-speaking girl in the show?


It annoyed the F outta me too. I couldn't watch the show because of this.


I don't know... Is it necessary to have people like you on these boards?


I just finished watching the second season ... and I hate to see it, but I think this is an average Asian's view of America, what is in our media make us all out for ourselves and will screw over each other, are obsessed with guns and power, cannot cooperate, and are destroying our own country for no other reason that we like to be hyper-stimulated with violence and are lazy.


That's pretty much an image designed entirely out of Left-wing propaganda, though.


Not really. I'm left-leaning and this doesn't appeal to me. It is kind of humiliating, but then our modern place in the world is humiliating and embarrassing as well, mostly thanks to Republican cuts and defunding programs.


Not really. I'm left-leaning and this doesn't appeal to me.

Who said anything about the Left-wing zeitgeist appealing to people who identify as Left-leaning?

It is kind of humiliating, but then our modern place in the world is humiliating and embarrassing as well

Since the mid-aughts all the media in the West is controlled by the Left. So the image they project of America to the rest of the world is thanks to them.

What does that say about that?

I know, I know, your next response will be "B-b-but Fox News!" which barely averaged 1.9 million on the Nielsen scale even while everybody was trapped inside in 2020. This is out of a score of 100:

For context, average national nightly news programs regularly score between 7 and 10 on the Nielsen scale:

Also, Fox is owned by Murdoch:

Yes, the same Murdoch who also owns most of the Left-wing media zeitgeist. Controlled opp for the Right, basically.

mostly thanks to Republican cuts and defunding programs.

Sure, and the Left keeping everyone on welfare and funding riots to destroy minority neighborhoods, small businesses, and private ownership:

America is a Uniparty governed by elites trying to move the proletariat back into Communism while they engorge on a gluttony of unregulated Capitalism.


> Since the mid-aughts all the media in the West is controlled by the Left.

> the Left keeping everyone on welfare and funding riots to destroy minority neighborhoods

> America is a Uniparty governed by elites trying to move the proletariat back into Communism

? Loonie Alert


The actress actually is fluent in English, its funny how they depict. Honestly it adds nothing and Sun is a forgettable character.

Asians have been vocal against racist sterotypes in media, yet some still take these roles



What's racist about her character?


Some say she isn't far off from the mute Asian stereotype. Like i said the actress is fluent in English


. . .but but but. . .she's NOT mute. I really don't get it. . .is it offensive somehow to have a character who doesn't speak English in this story? Her situation has *nothing* to do with any stereotype. It's like complaining about a fat person in a situation where he has to squeeze through a slat fence to escape zombies. Or a short person who needs to leap to a high sill to escape. Or a deaf person in a situation where she can't hear them running at her. Or or or. . .

It's just a person, with a specific trait that causes even more trouble in an already horrific situation. Horror movies. . .and fiction in general. . .has no shortage of this.

I think the only way to be offended at this character is to simply decide you want to be.


"some say" - that's doesn't make it racist.

"mute Asian stereotype" - not sure that's a stereotype at all.

Rush hour: did you feel like Jackie Chan was ... mute? Any american Jet lee movie - he wasn't mute at all. Bruce lee movies - in how many is he ... mute???


Correct, what’s racist about the role???

And which is the stereotype?


Both are


Explain, arguments, why, etc. just saying so doesn’t make it so …

I see nothing racist about her character. You might not be aware but there are plenty of people that don’t speak English. I didn’t speak English for part of my life.

It’s highly RACIST to assume that all must speak your language …


Its an English Speaking show so to have the only asian character not know English or at least be interesting might be seen as offensive to some. If there were other Asian characters some might be ok with this


That doesn't mean that it's racist, people take offense for a lot of stupid shit that are not racist. And her character IS interesting.


I mean i can see why it is racist. Sun reminds me of Finn from Star Wars


No, you can see why some people could get offended.

Racism is not when people are offended, racism is when the intend is to be ... racist. Some people see racism everywhere, that doesn't mean that it's there.


Maybe she was tourist or fresh immigrant …

Why are u so upset about it?


Because it's congruent with one of the main themes of the show, which is breakdown of communication and trust in a divided society.


too complicated for these xenophobic idiots.


Because Koreans are known for at least one zombie movie (Train to Busan) and they want to take advantage of that.


It was annoying. Like you said - "inability to communicate with the audience".

I cant care about her when I dont know her, what she thinks, wants. Whole season she was being carried around by other people, looking lost and confused. She had no idea what was happening and audience had no idea what was happening.

How did she even get to USA if she cant speak english at all? Why was she there? Why didnt she learn at least basic words? Was she too stupid? In situations like that people usually try to learn fast at least few words. If you dont it means you are either lazy or stupid.


You're a special kind of stupid if you can't understand why (or How!!!) people travel to countries where they don't speak the language.


We have lefty here )))

And yes, if you travel to other countries and you dont know any english word - its either you are lazy or stupid. Almost everyone have English as their second language in school. Yo have to be special kind of stupid to not know any english words.

I looked up what second language is in Korea - its English. They learn english from primary school to high school, and english is one of major subjects for college entrance exams.

Which means that woman was just too stupid to learn anything in school. Or more like woke Hollywood is stereotyping koreans and asians in general to give them that "silent roles" where characters cant interact with other people in Hollywood projects. Its not the first time it happens. And it is kinda racist like other people said.


We have idiot here 😝😝😝😝😝

YOU said: "How did she even get to USA if she cant speak english at all?"
Really? You can't conceive of how someone can travel here, even if they don't speak english? Idiot.

YOU said: "She had no idea what was happening. . ."
Pretty sure she understood dead people were coming back to life, and trying to eat the living. Idiot.

YOU said: "Why was she there?"
We don't know. Vacation? Work assignment? Running from Interpol? A prisoner being extradited, who got separated from her captor? Trafficked by slavers? Part of a new exchange program, designed to immerse foreign nationals and gauge the effects of cultural immersion w/o preparation?
See how easy that is? Of course not. Idiot.

YOU bleated: "In situations like that people usually try to learn fast at least few words."
Really? Taken a poll, have you? Your blinding stupidity aside, you're clearly unaware of the MANY people who travel to multiple countries, often on an itinerary. . .and Do NOT Know The Languages Of The Countries They Visit. I didn't know a lick of Japanese the first time I went; same with Italian, Portuguese and others.

But please: continue to tilt your head back and bray nonsense. It's hilarious, & I'm a bit bored.


Why are woke lefties always so aggressive and rude? Every single time. Who hurt you boo-boo? )))Its impossible to have any conversation with them. Dude, chill out.

You can thrown names around all you want but it will not change the fact. That character is a racist stereotype that woke Hollywood invented and keeps having asian characters that dont speak english in American shows. They make no sense. Not to mention that Koreans have English as their second language in school and know it well. That woman would know at least a little bit English. There was no reason for her to be that dumb.

Not to mention that she was not living 1 day in that apocalypse. There were weeks. By that point she would have to learn few basic words to have some sort of communications. When she is surrounded by americans. English is not a hard language. Yet she never tried. Because writers are racist.


LMAO: You call *me* a "woke lefty," while babbling inanities about racism where none exists. Wow. You really can't make this stuff up.

I notice you didn't speak to any of your points which I eviscerated. Not surprising, mind you: there's really nothing you can say. Just rest assured: your deficiencies are glaringly obvious.

You continue to conflate language skills with intelligence, when no such correlation exists. Go ask someone you trust, who actually has some smarts, why this is.

As far as "every Korean learning English in school," this is on the face of it true, but: as with every generality, it does NOT mean that this character in particular absorbed the language, and can function in the US. I've given you SEVERAL possible scenarios; feel free to extrapolate.

Or not. Nobody will blame you for quitting, at this point: this Thinking thing ain't for you.
