MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > Now this feels more like Star trek

Now this feels more like Star trek

Maybe after a disappointing first 2 seasons and the Woke disaster that is Discovery the writers have finally come to their senses.


I dig this season more than the last 2.



This show again makes no sense it is making things up on the go.


It's just as bad as before. There's just tons of memberberries flying around.


Season 3 is what I wanted from the very beginning, it's amazing the night and day difference this is between the previous two seasons. It is so much better.

This latest episode (S03E03) was incredible, and gets to take its place among the greats, and is a must-watch for any Deep Space Nine fan as well.




Yeah, this is a lot better than the first two. To be honest, I was never that invested in the characters of "Next Generation," so I am not all that concerned with the characters interpersonal relationships. But, all the space battle stuff is very cool, and bringing back Jerry Goldsmith's great music is most certainly a major bonus.


This is not Star Trek. It's still dark as molasses, filled with murder and torture and beheadings and profanity. It's utterly berserk and absurd and as far from Gene Roddenberry's vision as imaginable. It's a very good Battlestar Galactica show. The character representations of the TNG crew seesaw from spot on to what even the F. That said, it's very enjoyable. Season 3 is a good scifi show. It's just not Star Trek. Total fan fiction. In fact, i'm just gonna go ahead and think of this as the Nemesis Timeline. That's where this whole circus went off the rails anyhow. Extreme, Yo! After watching episode 3, i'm getting the sense that this season is going to be something of an epilogue/coda to the whole Rebirth era of Star Trek we all love dearly. All the main flagship series of old. And that's cool. Not something I needed. But i'm definitely curious to see what they do with it.


I'm just gonna go ahead and think of this as the Nemesis Timeline.

Whoa -- thanks for the warning! I've heard some good things about the show and some other things that make me wonder. Most of the post-Next-Gen series that I've seen are OK shows, but if Star Trek is (as Roddenberry insisted that it be, and frequently succeeded) a show where each episode is "about" something (i.e., has a point to make), and if Star Trek shows a future that the human race can be (more or less) proud of, then they're not Star Trek, they're soap operas set in an alternative Trek universe.

Just call me an old fogey.


This is all I have to say about Star Trek. Rich from Led Letter Media said it all. Star Trek of Old is a world you wanted to live in. New Star Trek is a Nightmare Hellhole.


Nutrek sucks balls, I watched 6 episodes of s3 and gave up after realising it was just more of the same with added nostalgia. Same shitty dark sets, same shitty attitudes, same heightened emotions on everything to give the impression of high drama. It's terrible and the people who champion it have zero standards and are akin to a child watching someone jangle a set of keys in front of them.


It's a common theme these days..... especially in woke hollywood which does nothing but spew out a hundred remakes and sequels each year but with gaslighting juice added into the mix.


Didn't a red shirt die in most episodes of TOS? Wasn't Kirk sexually assaulting alien women on every planet? I think they also used the most profane language they could get away with on CBS in 1968 (half-breed green blooded hobgoblin). I can recall multiple episodes where people were being tortured. Hell, one of my favorite episodes of TNG is Picard being tortured (there are FOUR lights).


Typical nutrek fan gaslighting, no a red shirt did not die in most episodes of TOS and no Kirk wasn't sexually assaulting alien women ever. Try actually watching the show instead of repeating what you saw someone else say on the internet.


Yeah, no, I am pretty well versed in the show. Grew up taping the old shows on VHS back in the 80s to watch with my father when he got home from work.


Then you should know your statement is a massive exaggeration then. 79 episodes with 24 red shirts dying. That's not most episodes.
Kirk never sexually assaulted female aliens in the show a single time, that is fantasy on your part.


He certainly took advantage of them. Also, red shirt is just a catch-all now for people who died on the show. Most episodes had someone either dying or being tortured, and if not, then certainly beat up. Violence and sex were a big part of TOS. Also, is there such a thing as nutrek fans (is that short for new trek)?


No he never took advantage of anyone, if you are claiming he did that please provide some examples.
Red shirt isn't a catch all for people who dies on the show, we don't say Tasha Yar is a red shirt yet she died. Red shirt is more "expendable crew member who isn't a main cast" to most people.
Yes violence featured in many storylines (and sex to a degree) I can certainly concede that, the issue isn't that the new shows are violent, it's that they are violent without the counterbalance of morality like the older shows have. It's grimdark and depressing and has unlikeable characters.
And yh I use Nutrek to describe the more recent batch of fans, maybe I was hasty in the accusation with you or maybe not, it seems like you viewed TOS completely differently to me either way.
I'm not attacking anyone one gets pleasure from the show, and if you can enjoy it more power to you. I'm just voicing my disappointment and frustration that it veered so far from what I enjoy.


I didn't realize there were new fans of Star Trek. I always thought they were attempting to bring me back and having mediocre success.
I'm thinking we probably see TOS and TNG similarly. They had great story lines that could mostly be wrapped up in one episode with a message. But I also think they would have been darker and more violent if they were not made in the 1960s for CBS.


Roddenberry didn't want the show to be dark, his vision of the future was always an optimistic one where humanity had shed all of it's negativity. TNG hit the tone perfectly and DS9 VOY and ENT were all acceptable to me too. I just don't dig this new dystopian Trek. I especially hate the drug use and swearing, it just feels generic sci fi to me now, not Trek.


I'm really digging Season 3. Less character development for new characters we do not care much about while entertaining us with the characters we all enjoyed 35 years ago. Yet I was still ok with most of the new characters they tossed in this season. I give this season a thumbs up.


This was the best!!! Better than all the rest!!!


I believe they changed showrunners for this season?

I haven't really watched any of it... just the first 2 episodes of season 1.
