After the ending

the whole place will be busted by police and authorities. The victims were socialized people with friends, family and colleagues. They must have told where they went and there is DNA evidence all over the place.


Perhaps it's possible they are found out, but normally, if there's no body, there's no crime. The cult could just say the outsiders took the drugs, lost their minds, decided to leave their families, and start their own cult, wondering off into the woods. Sure, the village would be under investigation, but without bodies, so long as every cult member had the same story, it would be hard to make anything stick. You'd think maybe Dani might be the weak link, and blab to the cops, but if she does, it makes her complicit since she was the one who chose Christian to die.


The cult would use spells and drugs to turn any investigating cops into new recruits.


No one in their lives has any idea where exactly they are, though, just that they were going to Sweden. Pelle mentioned how secretive the group is, and that if Josh and/or Christian wrote about their practices, they could never use any real names or locations, because privacy is sacred to this group. They're a four-hour drive from the airport (which no one seemed to tell anyone back home), plus however far off the beaten path on-foot... I can't imagine their phones worked there, either.


Yeah, this is one of the most idiotic aspects of this movie.

It's literally impossible to believe that they wouldn't, almost instantly, all be arrested.

You have groups of Americans and English all travelling into the same airport who all go missing after so many days. And they all travelled in with their Swedish buddies, whom, a quick cross check of the flight records would reveal, are all from the same place! It's just so stupid.


I don't think that's true. I think the people who lure visitors there are very careful not to let anyone know exactly where they will be going in advance, so there would be no complaints about a specific area. Just reports every summer of people arriving from other countries and never being seen again, and the authorities might assume they're immigrating illegally, as there would have been no evidence of foul play.

So their secret would remain safe . Until everyone began carrying a smartphone with a GPS that tracks their every move... But even then, it might take a while before anyone actually looked at the data from the GPS, because again, there would be no evidence of foul play.


Yes, and as a Swede I would sue the filmmakers.
For denigrating old Swedish traditions and disparaging Sweden. 🎃​
