Shaun of the Dead + Valium
This film felt like the famous zom-com with a horse tranquilizer; believe it or not, I don't mean that as a negative. It's Jim Jarmusch, so I expected low-key, arthouse stuff, and that's exactly what this is. I actually expected it to be a lot less funny.
If expectations were for a standard zombie film or a spoof/comedy, I get why people didn't like it, but if you're expecting "Wes Anderson chuckles at zombie flicks," you'll get what you came for.
The drawback was that it got a bit on-the-nose with some messaging, but maybe that was satirizing soapboxing?
I'm a sucker for meta stuff, so the fourth wall breaks endeared the film to me. Ronnie's low-key doomsaying was funny. The over-emphasis on the zombies = consumers thing felt like a good point, but also it was mocking the "cleverness" of zombie movies running that idea into the ground. Tilda Swinton was great. Bill Murray's a master of this deadpan humour. For me, it worked.