Just want to be clear?

The song was literal here, at least the first part? He really did GIVE HER HIS HEART (literally). But was it at Christmas? Also, I remember them talking about her heart and how they "threw it away". She didn't specifically say that she got a new one, but it would be a bit hard to sruvive without a new one I would imagine?


Yeah I know right.

A bit corny, but it does look like the writers (maybe when drink!) just thought of the words to the song... Last Christmas I gave you my heart... and thought.

I know! I'm gonna write a whole movie about this ONE line!

(I'm not including the second line, as it was her original heart that was "thrown away" - not given away - so that's very tenuous, and the writers were clearly grappling there!).

Loved the movie though, and I watched it twice. Rom Coms aren't usually my thing, but I guess I must like George Michael music.
