MovieChat Forums > 1917 (2020) Discussion > What if this war had been real?

What if this war had been real?

I know it is only a movie but suppose people would one day actually be stupid enough to wage war, would it be anything like depicted here? Because who in their right mind would listen to anyone telling you to go and kill others? Science teaches us that only 25% of people are capable of such violence, so why bother going along with such an event in the first place? I guess we'll never know.


Nobody could have predicted that WW1 would be so destructive. The war was more local but much more destructive (even) than WW2 for Europe. Until then, wars used to be quicker. Trench war changed everything. It destroyed Europe, literally, even the winners. We haven't recovered since then.

Anyway, you're gonna live something very similar soon. Next World War between China and US will have something that didn't exist before: drones and robots guided by artificial intelligence. China is heavily developing that, and probably US too. You can throw a swarm of drones and kill everybody around. Right now, AI can discriminate facial features and uniforms, so they can kill everybody white or black and leave only Asians in the battlefield, or the opposite.

Anyway, it won't be as bad as WW1. It will be much quicker. :-)


Looks like we stopped breeding friendliness.


Are you from an alternate universe where nukes don't exist? Because your post makes me think so.


I agree; it's very curiously worded, like s/he doesn't realize WW1 really happened or the constant wars throughout human history all over the planet.


It was intentionally phrased like that so one can answer unburdened.


Okay; thanks.


So naive to actually think developed countries will engage in thermo-nuclear warfare. Besides, China knows all their ICBMs would get knocked out of the sky.


If they're going to engage in any sort of warfare, I'll eventually come to nukes. It might be a few skirmishes on the neutral ground in the beggining, but it's naive to think any nuclear power will tolerate foreign army invading their territory without resorting to nukes. Especially if they send a swarm of fucking AI drones slaughtering civilians all over.


"I know it is only a movie but suppose people would one day actually be stupid enough to wage war, would it be anything like depicted here?"

Methinks Victorinox is A COMPLETE RETARD.


Again with the insults. You can do better than that, Foebane72


You said: "suppose people would one day actually be stupid enough to wage war"
They HAVE waged war, many, many times!


It's obviously a troll post/he's being facetious. Obviously he knows that war has really happened in history. If you took him literally "methinks" YOU are the complete retard.


There are military studies out there that cite data reflecting how many US soldiers actually fired their weapons during skirmishes when ordered to. I know it has risen significantly from WWII to the present day in part because of the conditioning of video games and film, not to mention currently our forces are not drafted.


Yes. Another reason to endorse better education for the masses.


The 20th century was the most "educated" century in human history, but it was also the bloodiest. So it's gonna take something deeper than that to see global peace. I have the key: Spiritual regeneration thru Christ (John 3:3 & Titus 3:5); and I'm NOT talking about joining a religious faction and acquiring the outward label like Catholic, Lutheran or Bohemian Orthodox Roman Baptacostal.


What you call rebirth through Christ I call social humanism. I don't see the need for a deity. However, the two systems are not mutually exclusive.


Humanism at its core is socialism/communism. Marx declared: "Humanism is nothing else but Marxism." And where did that get us in the 20th century? A 100 years of communism brought us a 100 million dead. So I wish you well with social humanism because it ain't gonna work.

I don't see the need for a deity.

Actually putting the Creator back in control is exactly what we need seeing as how we -- human beings -- have royally screwed things up for several thousand years now.

But this isn't going to happen on a global scale until Christ returns. In the meantime individuals can put the LORD in control of their lives via spiritual regeneration/reconciliation (John 3:16) and learning to walk in the spirit rather than being flesh-ruled (Ephesians 4:22-24).


I would not start comparing the number of dead in your case. And how about going easy on the extrapolation?


There is no such thing as Jesus. He's just one of many fictional characters in a book of fairy tales called the Bible. Aren't you a little too old to believe in imaginary friends?


The Mighty Christ said he is "the truth," which literally means REALITY (John 14:6). The bible says of him...

God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
- Philippians 2:9-11

In the meantime I encourage you to work things out with your Maker, but that's your prerogative...

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.
- John 3:36


Don't take everything so seriously, this pastiche was merely a leitmotif, a fictional representation of a world gone awry with unchecked white male privilege.


Quite accurate. but there's nothing wrong with being serious.


I am serious, see, this is my serious face.


Kielander:"unchecked white male privilege"

That is how you sum up WWI? Seriously?


Three of my favorite books are 'The Diary of a U-boat Commander', 'All Quiet on the Western Front', and 'The Forgotten Soldier'.

I even like the Richard Thomas TeeVee version of 'All Quiet', and love the movie 'Gallipoli' with Mel Gibson.

You can figure it out from there.




You acknowledge that 25% of the populace is capable of violence. What do you do when that 25% start taking what they want from others and killing/raping? Do you stay peaceful and sit still while they kill you? Your perspective reflects stage-one thinking. Politicians rely on stage-one thinkers.

Only the insane want war. Only idiots refuse to fight to defend themselves.


Polarisation and a climate of fear are a greater risk than the chance of a sudden revolt within a stable system. There are many refugees from conflict. No need to call them names.


So let the 25% take over the world. OK. I read you loud and clear.


There are more ways than violence to get what you want. So no, the violent ones are not going to take over the world.


You are one of those villagers who keeps getting his crops stolen and wife raped by monthly raiders.


A fictional life can go all places


That is genuinely a nice bromide. May it give you comfort while the strong walk the wall that protects you.


Hehe, love your responses to this guy, Anubis. :)


That is more realistic. The strong walking the wall that protects me. Thank you for your service?
The climate of fear is mostly fed by FOX News. Something to keep in mind come the elections. Scared people make choices based on fear. Sales 101.


You are scaring me. Selling something?
Political shots at FOX is such weak cheese. It's like trying to be funny by saying "Luke, I am your father"


What war? WWI? It was real.


Good grief! And you're the guy who said, "better education for the masses!" Well, now I know all about you...

I'm tempted to think that this post is another example of your half-baked sarcasm. It's too obvious. You even included a totally incorrect term, "Science learns us", to make it seem like you're an uneducated dill. And where did you get the "25%", or is that the percentage of your IQ compared to the general public?

Yep, I know all about you.


Ah, thanks for pointing out the mistake. You got some of the message, nice!


You're calling your use of "learns" as a verb instead of "teaches" a mistake?

No chum, it was an outright example of grammar ignorance, and it tells me all I need to know about you.


have to agree on this one. My grandmother is always saying 'I've learned him how to do it' and even though she's my grandmother, it really annoys me


Do you correct your grandmother on those occasions?
And why did you choose that nickname?


Fascinating. But do you desire better education for the masses ?


I am confused about WWI. In 1914, Gavrilo Princip (Bosnia) executed Arch Duke Ferdianand (Austria), so the war should have been Austria vs Serbia, but it ended up being England/USA against Germany.


Wikipedia first world war


Yeah and it is a tangent :)


War is
