Historically Accurate?
Has anyone heard anything?
I'm really pumped for this movie if it's accurate.
Has anyone heard anything?
I'm really pumped for this movie if it's accurate.
It wont be.
No movie based on true events is ever accurate. Period.
Do yourself a favour, remember you are watching a movie and not a documentary. Like all movies it will be adapted and changed for various reasons.
Accept that going in, and just go with it. You are likely to enjoy it far more.
Excellent point.
I guess the better question would be, 'Is the take on the events propaganda and revisionist?' . . . demonizing the Germans to the point of absurdity, inflating the nobility of the British, etc.
Another question would be, 'Are the sets, uniforms, props, & tactics shown accurately represented?'.
I'm going to assume the answer is 'yes' and 'probably not', respectively.
Like I say, if you know that going in then you should be able to let go and enjoy it for what it is.
shareIsn't that something we're more used to seeing from American themed war films? Propaganda?
I think you'll find there won't be any show boating on this one.
It would be nice, which is why I enjoyed the Richard Thomas TeeVee version of 'All Quiet on the Western Front' and 'Gallipoli' with Mel Gibson - it gave a different perspective other than the typical 'heroic allies' bullshit. Even 'Saving Private Ryan' was spoon feeding that garbage to some extent.
share"demonizing the Germans"
The poor Germans only wanted to march into sovereign countries and take over all of Europe, even if it meant killing and destroying everyone and everything in their path. No problem, that.
That's right Cupcake, parrot your brainwashing, don't scratch beneath the surface, or you might find that 'The Good Guys' weren't good at all.
shareAnother moron stating that historians are wrong, that Germany and Willhelm only wanted "parity." That accounts of Belgium, after stating they wanted no part in the conflict, was invaded and conquered by Germany is wrong.
shareHistory is written by the winners.
Propaganda is disseminated before and during conflicts - afterward, propaganda is memorialized as 'history'.
Or do you actually believe Saddam had WMDs?
God, you are shit stoopid.
History is not propaganda.
By equating both, you are revealing that your education level is high school at best, and your age is not more than 20.
More confirmation you are a...
...moron... Moron... MORON... MORON... MORON!
History is propaganda. Youll find history to be very different based on which country you grew up in. Remmeber some people believe that Americans won WW2.
shareSaddam actually had WMD's. They found chemical weapons during the invasion, which is a type of WMDs. Due to cleanup action their existence was classified for over 10 years and came to light mostly due to lawsuits the people hired to destroy these weapons made against the government.
Of course i cant blame you for being brainwashed by the media that keeps claiming there were no WMDs.
Yes, but a lot of them were just poor privates (or whatever the German equivalent is) who were conscripted into the army.
shareYes, the soverign countries that attacked them first. This is WW1, remmeber?
It did not demonize the Germans or inflate the nobility of the British. It seemed accurate to me, and is the best film of 2019 imho.
Actually, you're wrong. This film is comprised entirely of found footage. A historian found a well-preserved box of film in an abandoned trench in Germany, and after careful restoration they are releasing it as a film. It was shot in 1917, hence the title.
shareIn these types of movies, there is a hero and a villain. as it is told from the POV of British soldiers, the natural enemy will be the Germans. A movie theater isn't the place for an exercise in moral relativism.
shareHistory is used to control the future. Nothing is historically accurate. Everything is produced with agenda. Everything you've ever been told about the Great Wars is a lie perpetuated by the winners. The last 100 years are a dream built on illusions.
shareNo argument there. When my father was young he worked as an apprentice machinist with an old WWI vet, who said the real reason that war ended was because masses of men on both sides were dropping dead in the trenches every single day from the Spanish Flu.
How that equated into German surrender I haven't figured-out, but it seems that the allies are pretty clearly far from 'the good guys' in either World War when one digs beneath the surface history we are given.
Then, if you look beneath that, you get the Spanish Flu as an early dabbling of the U.S. into a biowarfare strain that escaped and went wildly off the rails.
My original question on this movie was poorly framed it seems - I guess I was wondering if this was just a miserable piece of propaganda with costumes, or if some attempt was made to humanize the 'enemy' and show some semblance of reality on both sides?
I mean, in a lot of ways, Saving Private Ryan just didn't do it for me at all - just more propaganda.
But, if I remember correctly, the movie Gallipoli with Mel Gibson seemed to do an excellent job of showing both sides between the Turks/Germans contrasted with the Australians.
Concerning WWII, 'The Forgotten Soldier' is a book concerning the experiences of a soldier in the German Wehrmacht, and was a real eye opener for me compared to the crap we've been fed - great book. Not only that, but it convinced me that what passes for a public education system in this country is nothing more than a sewer.
I’m pretty sure The Forgotten Soldier was a story of one man’s experience on the Eastern front if I remember correctly. Somewhere around fifteen years ago I was reading everything WWII I could get my hands on and I do remember that book standing out as one of the only ones I’ve read telling a story from the common German soldiers prospective.
shareThat's exactly what it was. It was the first WWII book I'd read that gave insight into the mind of the common German Soldier in the Wehrmacht. For me, it humanized them. Until that time, I was brainwashed like everyone else with 'Muh Nazi's Evil' and 'Muh Holocaust'.
It was to WWII what 'All Quiet on the Western Front' what to WWI.
At some point I switched to only reading Pacific Theater. I also only read a couple of books told from Japanese perspective.
shareWhether the WWII German soldier was a member of the Nazi party or not, when the name of Germany during WW II was Nazi Germany (English name) or German Reich (German name), the common soldier, airman, and sailor were supporting the Nazi Party control. Therefore they are to be vilified as well.
share. . . the common soldier, airman, and sailor were supporting the Nazi Party control. Therefore they are to be vilified as well.
If you have a choice of being a soldier or your family going to concentration camp im sure you would quickly start supporting the Nazi Party as well.
share"Then, if you look beneath that, you get the Spanish Flu as an early dabbling of the U.S. into a biowarfare strain that escaped and went wildly off the rails."
Sorry, cupcake, but your bizarre and idiotic conspiracy theories and clueless delusions about who the "bad guys" were in either world war prove your complete lack of education in history. No country's actions are perfect, but it's clear to anyone with a fully functioning brain the Germany (twice) and Japan were the instigators and aggressors and had to be stopped. It looks like you read a lot of fringe junk and are not bright enough to dismiss it as the work of loonies.
I'm afraid not - it's the sad reaction of brainwashed folks like yourself to hearing the other side of the equation, that the new information creates internal conflict because the worldview on which you base your identity is being challenged . . . and you lose your shit.
Japanese aggression against the U.S. was due to U.S. embargoes and asset freezes, specifically oil embargoes.
Do you really think a battlegroup of ~60 fucking warships traveling at 15 knots just managed to 'sneak-up' on Pearl Harbor undetected??? There was an existing war in the Pacific, and tensions between the U.S. and Japan were already running high in early 1941. Military air patrols would have been run in Hawaii all the fucking time.
Here's an introductory Wiki article on propaganda:
Jesus, wake the F! up, your ignorance or lack of critical thinking skills is not another's 'conspiracy theory'.
There was a very good reason for the US embargo against Japan - Japan had invaded China and was committing all kinds of atrocities there.
Yes, they were competing with the brits and therefore had to be stopped.
shareWas it hypocritical of western powers to embargo Japan for doing something that they themselves had been doing in other parts of Asia for quite some time? Absolutely! Does it mean that they should have allowed Japan to do whatever they wanted in China without consequence? Not so clear-cut, is it?
shareOf course. But hypocracy is found everywhere in nature.
shareYou're arguing with a conspiracy nut! He does the same in the Star wars board.
I mean, in a lot of ways, Saving Private Ryan just didn't do it for me at all - just more propaganda.
Ha ha ha HA HA HA! Propaganda is made by the Government. Saving Private Ryan was made by a PRIVATE entity. Not by the Government. So you are not only a moron, but an imbecile!
Educate yourself Dumbass, quit embarrassing yourself.
You can start here:
By the way, Top Gun . . . a Navy recruiting film.
'The Guardian' with Kevin Costner . . . a Coast Guard recruiting film.
The list goes on and on - the government's worked with Hollywood and other media channels from the very beginning.
Again, more stupidity on your part. You cannot say Top Gun, The Guardian, or that all films from Hollywood are propaganda. The difference from Five Came Back, and why you cannot use that connection is simple.
Five Came Back depicts five directors which were recruited and paid by the US Government to produce films for the war effort, depicting the US as victorious, and the other side as evil. That is why the movies produced by those five during the Second World War is considered propaganda.
When you can show me that Top Gun was paid by the US Navy, that The Guardian was paid by the Coast Guard to represent them, then you can say "it is propaganda." But the directors and producers of these two films said "I think there are people that would like a film about the Navy... or The Coast Guard." So they will see these movies. So they will receive $100,000 for every $100 they invest. Not propaganda.
Again, you are a MORON and an IMBECILE! You need more education. How old are you? Not very, right?
This article from the Washington Post explains exactly how the Pentagon exchanges millions (if not 10's of millions) of dollars in military man-hour & hardware support, and access to 'billion dollar military props', for 'Pentagon Creative Input' on scripts & studio productions.
It goes so far to say, that without Pentagon support, military movies just don't get made.
It's called PROPGANDA, Luis, it's nothing new, government's have been partnering with media channels for centuries, get over it.
"What is history but a set of lies agreed upon?"
- Napoleon
Wow. What a completely ludicrous proposal. Propaganda can be created by anyone, even you and me. It has nothing to do with being made by government. In fact during the Vietnam war a lot of war movies were made with explicit intent of being war propaganda despite being made by private companies.
shareIt's a fictional story set in a real war. They're making it a very small scale rescue mission.
I saw it tonight, and it looked historically accurate to me. It's also the best film of 2019 imho! It was a very intense story, and the cinematography was mesmerizing, especially during an absolutely surreal night scene.
They had bright mining lamps in the tunnel that lit it up like a tactical LED!