MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > prequel haters attack new prequel!

prequel haters attack new prequel!

just to let everyone know that any movie or tv show set before the events of ANH is a prequel. so anyone that likes this is a prequel lover!

also if you like Rogue One and Solo you are a prequel lover.

Real Star Wars Fans unite!



You sound 5.


no, not anymore. but its funny how people like to hate on the prequel movies and say how much they hate the prequels. but Disney is releasing a lot of new prequel content. it must be a confusing time to be a prequel hater. lol




liberal prequel haters are now attacking this prequel, oh the irony! lol




indeed, first it was JarJar, now its black women, prequel haters are never happy.


there's nothing confusing... the prequel films were trash. most prequel film haters love the prequel cartoons. that told a good story with characters we actually cared about. its basically summed up in one character

prequel film anakin - broody, angry, emotional whiny unlikeable with no clear bond to obi wan.

cartoon clone wars Anakin - heroic, brave, capable, with a clear strong bond and to Obi-wan. with flashes of disobedience and doing what he thinks is right over what he is ordered to. It actually elevates the 3rd prequel film by his fall making a lot more sense and caring more


you are so brave for liking the clone wars, it has a 8.4/10. everyone else likes it so you like it.

good job! you get a scratch n sniff strawberry sticker !


im not the one claiming "the crazy thing though, is that I think the clone wars cartoon is better than the disney sequels" like its some brave outlier sentiment. YOU ARE.

thats why you didnt reply to that comment lol.

the idiot fails again!


I am not the one claiming "the crazy thing though, is that I think the clone wars cartoon is better than the prequels"

again, you wont respond cause you are a prequel hater. I eagerly await your response.

you get 3 stickers!


"I am not the one claiming "the crazy thing though, is that I think the clone wars cartoon is better than the prequels"

yes I know. you said it about rogue one... thats the point dumb fuck. its hardly a controversial position, despite your acting like it is. thats why I didnt act like that over the clone wars cartoon.

I simply cleared up your "confusion" about "but its funny how people like to hate on the prequel movies and say how much they hate the prequels. but Disney is releasing a lot of new prequel content. it must be a confusing time to be a prequel hater. "

its not confusing at all. as some prequel era stuff is well loved and good. LOLLLL that actually went over your head? what time is it? time to get the short bus home from school?


the crazy thing though, is that I think Solo and Rogue One are better than the disney sequels.

no one likes the new Boba or Obi-Wan and people only like Mando because of baby Yoda. so far Disney just keeps rehashing the past and is unable to think of anything new. they are going to milk this franchise til it dies, just like the MCU. its on its way out.


soooooooooo nice goalpost move LOLL

you've completely changed topics


its just funny that people are trashing the new Obi-Wan prequel after they trashed the Lucas Prequels.

I think Disney has 2 more prequel movies or tv shows in the works...


You're a baby, no one cares what you think.


Prequels are annoying. Create some new characters and new futures, and tie them into the existing universe.


its easier to reboot the past then to think of something new.

every movie/tv series from Disney has been a reboot/rehash or a prequel.

the new Star Trek is doing the same thing, they are rehashing the original series.

All Disney is doing now is fan service. they dont have the creativity like Lucas to think of something new.


Careful, when Disney thinks of something new, we get The Last Jedi.


haha good point!

the crazy thing though, is that I think Solo and Rogue One are better than the disney sequels.


It's not crazy. There's nothing worse than those Sequels. especially the last 2.


wowww what a controversial opinion that 90% of people agree with (mostly rogue). how is that even controversial when rogue has a 7.8 and TLJ a 6.8....... how stunning and brave of you to take the risk of agreeing with the majority of fandom...... you are so unique and edgy


With the Sequels, I was excited that they would bring new heroes and villains.

But then they just had to bring Palpatine back.

I actually liked the Sequels until ROS came out. To me, it ruined the entire Trilogy with cheap retcons and recycled characters.


... no-one likes Solo though.

Also prequels and the prequel trilogy are not the same thing...πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


I like Solo, its ok, but better than 3 Disney sequels.

anything that comes before the OT is a prequel. whether it was made 20 years ago or just recently.

people are having a hard time coming to terms with this, and are trying to find ways to say they are not prequels.


Ok I guess Solo isnt anywhere near as bad as the Disney trilogy, just that it was boring - which is amazing for a film that's meant to be about Han Solo.

Solo is really a guise for them to set up the Qi'Ra character that won't become anything now because the movie tanked.

And I already said these are prequel movies. But they are not part of the prequel trilogy ... Which you're deliberately trying to conflate here lol.

Also liking 1 film in a set of films doesn't equate to you liking every film in the set, that's ridiculous πŸ€¦πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


Yeah, Solo ended the Obi-Wan movie and put Rians new trilogy on hold as well.

technically its not a part of the Lucas Prequel tribology, but is still a prequel.

there are so many new prequels and tv shows/movies, I cant keep up anymore.

a good analogy to the whole situation would be Chevy making the Camaro and then the next year Ford making the Camaro, its still the same car but has different manufacturers. People hate the Lucas prequels but like the Disney prequels. (conundrum)

but one thing is certain, if Lucas was making all the new content now, people would be sh*tting on it.

I could go on and blow peoples minds about the prequel conundrum but I dont think anyone would appreciate it.


Solo was ok actually. No one was excited for it though because how can that character expand the Skywalker saga? Also the backlash for the sequel trilogy didn't help.


I liked the OT, am leaning dislike to the prequels, liked the Clone Wars (were what the prequels SHOULD have been like), didn't care about Rebels, disliked the sequels, liked Rogue One, didn't care about Solo, mostly like Mando so far, don't care about Bobo... and haven't made up my mind about this new series. What does this make me? A Liberative or a Consiberal?


just makes you a prequel hater. its nothing new really. only a few of us die hard Real Star Wars Fans like the Prequels.


Lots of diehard fans have problems with the prequels. It's complicated. Not as black and white as is being portrayed by the various ideological camps of Star Wars. It's becoming more and more like the Balkanized Bond fandom than anything else. I liked it well enough to enjoy the Lucas-era Clone Wars, though so I'm not sure where the "hater" tag comes from. I'm just not fanatical about Star Wars and can be object about the long-running problems of this series. Disney poured gasoline on the fire, but the problems started long before. The OT era was mostly golden, the prequel era (both Lucas and Disney varieties) has been spotty at best. The ST era has been pathetic.


yeah them fuckin libtards ruin our star wars by puttin all them femoids in the movie. we need an all white all male all straight star wars again like the good ol days then they will are be good


I liked the prequel trilogy. It's everything Disney-related I have a problem with. The last trilogy was absolute garbage. Rogue One was okay. I liked Mando until they fired Gina, then I canceled my subscription and will never return.
