leaked script summary?
Leaked summary of the Tarantino Trek... whether this is meant to be Star Trek 4 or a later entry in the franchise is unknown.share
I had the chance to read the script Tarantino prepared. I only got to look at it for about half an hour so I did my best to reconstruct.
Kirk, Spock and McCoy wake up in a black void, held prisoner by an unknown force. A voice tells them they are about to witness their futures- they are then pulled into a scene where they see the future, and Shatner as Kirk being killed by Soran except the fight/scene is much less sanitized much more violent than originally shown - this is a combination of new and original Generations footage. They are then pulled into a scene of Bones death as a very old man, with his daughter by his side. Then Spock's death on New Vulcan 100 years later. Back in the void, Bones is angry, "what's the point of this, showing us how we die?" The voice says that one of them did not die honorably. He then discusses Spock's role on New Vulcan, Bones honorable life, and says Kirk is the coward who chose the Nexus over fulfilling his destiny to truly save the "universe as it should be and as all have known it". Kirk has a chance at redemption - a Klingon Mevak knife - if Kirk agrees to sacrifice himself to his two "brothers" (Spock and McCoy)- who have to kill him - he has an opportunity to change his death to one more honorable.
Kirk, Spock and McCoy believe it is a trick, ask the alien hostile to show themself, the entity then shows the deaths of others they are close to - Uhura, Sulu, Scotty (in the TNG timeframe), all reasonable deaths. Then the scene shifts, and gruesome deaths in the present day for the young versions of Sulu, Scotty and Uhura are shown - an hourglass appears, and its explained when the sand runs down, either Kirk must die or the others will meet a horrible death in the present day. The trio still believe it to be trickery, until the alien, as a blurred apparition, agrees to mind meld with Spock. Spock is then convinced it is true, the alien has some sort of weapon, similar to the Tantalus Field in the mirror universe this group has obviously encountered previously... Spock also speculates that this entity is not of this universe or timeline, but is telling the truth "as they see it." The time ticks down, and Kirk asks to mind meld with Spock, to see what he has seen... after the meld Kirk agrees to sacrifice himself... Spock and McCoy kill Kirk with the Klingon weapon.
This is where it gets fun...
Kirk (present day Shatner) wakes up in the medical bay of a Starship attended to by the EMH.. . and the camera pans POV Kirk to show Riker and Troi, older of course, there to talk with him. Riker explains they found him preserved in stasis in a small ship of unknown origin... he was last known saving the Enterprise B and was presumed dead... though Kirk remembers everything he decides to play that he doesn't remember anything or know how he got there. He ascertains pretty quickly this is the legit Enterprise, we see LaForge and Data and some other familar faces, including First Officer Wesley Crusher. Wesley will take charge of Kirk while on board. Some nice scenes with Wheaton and Shatner. Kirk refers to the destruction of Vulcan... Wesley says no, Vulcan is very much still there, shows him... Kirk realizes the time line has split, does research, figures out the diversion is at his birth, that his father lived in the original timeline (holodeck scenes with Kirk watching boyhood holos of he and his father playing)... he then realizes he has to go back in time to prevent Nero from escaping and reeking the havoc that he did. He knows of only one way to do so...