MovieChat Forums > Sound of Freedom (2023) Discussion > Pedophile's favorite movie?

Pedophile's favorite movie?


Normal folks don't wanna watch this crap.


Joe said he likes it.. people at the white house said they could hear lots of sniffing while he was watching it, also the lotion went missing from the bathroom they said.


Oh I don't give a rat's ass about that weirdo Biden. Never voted for him and never will.

But the lead actor in this movie claims he's Jesus. And the organization glorified in this movie is associated with some loony conspiracy theories. Ballard, the hero of the film, has left the group and charges are flying on both sides.

It's a creepy subject and I just have no desire to watch a film about it.

Sorry, this movie does nothing to address the issue of child trafficking. It's only being used to promote some shady people and get donations for their organization.


no one cares about Biden, thats what so intriguing. he can say that Putin is losing the war in Iraq and no one says a word about the gaffe.


Okay JoWilli, not sure where you're coming from.

I just know the media has been lying and claiming Ukraine is winning when they've lost 25% of their land to Russia and they're never getting it back. Biden just wants us to give even more billions to the arms dealers for a war which we can never win.


Your brain, it doesn't at all.


Uhuh. And you got an erection when you watched this smutty film. Admit it.


Eat shit and die. You fucking liberals have no soul. Soulless, brainless, gutless human garbage, the whole lot of you.


Struck a nerve, huh?😆


Reaction formation 101. Please, seek therapy for your attraction to children rather than projecting.


BlackMass? JFC you're obviously one of those Satan worshiping baby rapists. 😈 Traffic any children today?


Again, projecting won't help. A good therapist won't judge your attraction to children.


The only ones projecting on this board are you nutjobs who can't understand why us normal folks do not want to watch a movie which depicts child molestation.


It doesn't depict child molestation, idiot.


Parents' Guide to
Sound of Freedom

age 16+

Heavy-handed child trafficking drama depicts sexual abuse.




Why would you wanna watch this sick film about child molestation? What's wrong with you? I mean as a human being, as a man.

What's wrong with you that people do these things to children, and you find it entertaining?


You're projecting again. Soulless piece of shit.


You are right, he is projecting, and we know why.


If that’s the case then why is your cult so against it?


I'm Hare Krishna. We're against this? I don't think we have a position.


You’ve made your position quite clear. You are against a film that is against child trafficking because you don’t like the political views of some of the cast and crew members. Politics is more important to you and than stopping child abuse.


Uh, this film is not stopping child abuse. It exploits the topic. It's salacious sexploitation of children. It's only purpose is fundraising for some wacko Christian group whose leader claims to be Jesus Christ himself.


You still haven’t fully explained how it “exploits” the topic. You haven’t even seen the film so you have no basis in which to claim that. I have seen the film and it is very much against child abuse. You are politicizing it because you don’t like the politics of the people involved which is 100% irrelevant to the topic. You people care more about politics than the victims of child abuse. It’s absurdly disgusting.


The purpose of any film is to make money for the production company. Watching this disgusting topic on the screen does nothing to combat child trafficking.

This OUR organization is spurious. I've posted several links showing they're amateurs. They don't rescue these children. Witnesses saw them return the children to the street after the sting was over. No child was rescued.

If you want to help, donate to real groups who are working to stop child trafficking, not these wacko Christian wannabes.


How would you know? By your own admission you haven’t seen it.

Whether or not I do enough by your standards to stop child kidnapping is irrelevant and a non-sequitur. The only reason you don’t like the movie is because it was made by people with differing political opinions than yours. You are downplaying the horrors of child trafficking because you don’t want to admit that the makers of the film are right. Your cult wants to downplay the horrors of child trafficking because child traffickers are a huge portion of their voting demographic, it’s all about politics with you. The film however was not political at all. You’re disgusting.

Also on a side note, you have yet to provide one shred of evidence that pedophiles love this movie apparently.


I don't have to see it.

A real Christian missionary group, Ministry Watch, has fact checked this scam operation. Most their donations are kept as profit, not spent on rescuing anybody.

In 2021 the organization took in more than $42 million. But here’s where it gets interesting. In that same year, 2021, the organization spent only about $31 million on its work of allegedly rescuing sex trafficking victims. The year before, 2020, the numbers are even more strange. OUR took in $45 million but spent only $13.5 million. It had a whopping $33.9 million in profit.

However, sources told Vice World News that not only was there little semblance of military-type training or planning involved in the jump raids, there was “no meaningful surveillance or identification of targets; no development of assets; no validating that people they sought to rescue had in fact been trafficked, or that people they were targeting were indeed traffickers; and no meaningful follow-up with people who had been rescued on the missions in which they took part.”

The charity’s methodology seemed to actually encourage trafficking behavior in some instances, sources said.

They told of operations that involved flashing money at clubs and bars to encourage pimps to show up with sex workers. When they did, operatives would insist on being shown younger girls, whom the sources felt had been immediately trafficked to meet the operatives’ demands.

OUR representatives would then call the local police to make arrests, they said.

“In my opinion that’s what he was doing: He was creating demand,” an operative who worked with OUR overseas told Vice.


The source comes from left-wing fake news and misinformation “Vice World News”.


The article is from Ministry Watch. Ministry Watch reports that one informant spoke to Vice (whoever that is, irrelevant).

Ministry Watch reports these people are keeping 75% of donations to enrich the founders of OUR.


Ministry Watch is a reputable organization. "OUR" is a scam.


Yes, it is relevant since the source information for MW comes from far-left vice which is (mis/dis/mal-information).


Uhuh. Tell me what happened to 75% of the donations given to Operation Underground Railroad? They seem to have disappeared.

Give your money to Ministry Watch if you want to help children.


The fact that they relied on vice as their source for that article is a deal breaker.


No, the fact that 75% of donations to Operation Underground Railroad have not gone to help children is the deal breaker.

It's a scam. Even Tim Ballard has quit them.


It is a lie and misinformation provided by vice.


Haha. Sorry, I'll go with the independent journalistic source, not the guy who claims to be Jesus Christ. 🤣


They used a far-left source that provided false information.

The article has nothing to do with Jim so your attempt at comparing those two is deflection.


Far-left source. 🤣 I'll go with Ministry Watch on this one.


So if Ministry Watch uses vice for its source to tell you all the reasons why it is good to support the war in Ukraine, are you going to believe them and support that war? Yes or No?


You're obsessed with"Vice". It's just a news service. But you're really trying to avoid the fact that 75% of donations are being pocketed by OUR management and are not going to help children.



I didn't avoid it, I already stated that is was a lie and misinformation provided by vice.

You avoided answering mine, which I expected.


Meh, I provide back up for my position that OUR is a scam operation. Even respected Christian organizations say OUR is a fraud. Provide documentation for your claims or bug off.


You still didn't answer my question.


Ukraine? I have my own reasons to oppose that Neo-Con war.

Stop trying to change the topic. We're not talking about the news service "Vice".

We're talking about misappropriation of donations by OUR.


Once again, it is a lie and misinformation.

Here is my question...again:

If Ministry Watch uses vice for its source to tell you all the reasons why it is good to support the war in Ukraine, are you going to believe them and support that war?
Yes or No?


In 2021 the organization took in more than $42 million. But here’s where it gets interesting. In that same year, 2021, the organization spent only about $31 million on its work of allegedly rescuing sex trafficking victims. The year before, 2020, the numbers are even more strange. OUR took in $45 million but spent only $13.5 million. It had a whopping $33.9 million in profit.

Yeah, when you're scammed out of your money go talk to Vice.


I have already addressed your blockquote source multiple times.

You still didn't answer my question.


Yet you still can’t even answer my simple question. Just admit it, you want to hate this film because the far left fake news media told you to. You can’t even think for yourself.


I don't like this movie because "in 2020 OUR took in $45 million but spent only $13.5 million. It had a whopping $33.9 million in profit."

That means they're pocketing 75% of the donations to buy yachts and vacation homes.

It's a charity scam.


LOL well that statement you just made fully condemned Black Lives Matter, or are you giving them a pass because you agree with them?

None of this has anything to do with the film, every issue you have with it is due to irrelevant stuff behind the scenes, you’ve not even seen it, hahahahahaha. You still have not presented a single complaint that has to do with the actual movie.


Uh, the people and the organization they're lionizing are frauds. How is that irrelevant? 🤣

I laugh. But these people are taking money which could and should go to legit organizations which fight child trafficking.


How does that make it a bad film? If you had no knowledge of anything anyone was doing behind the scenes would you still think it was a bad film even though you’ve not even seen it? Your outrage over SOF is completely political, you do not have a single legitimate criticism of the film itself, you are on the side of child traffickers.


Uh, if they made "Citizen Kane" I'd go see it. But it's about a disgusting topic which I don't wanna sit through.

Nothing political about my condemnation of "Angel" Studios. They're pocketing donations.


I didn’t ask you about your opinion of Angel Studios, I asked you about your opinion of SOF which you haven’t even seen. “Disgusting” topics need to be addressed, if they never were then the Holocaust never would have been stopped.

I also find it hilarious you didn’t even attempt to defend the evil that is Black Lives Matter.


I assure that your OP says nothing good about you.


Get off my thread, you disgusting pedo. 🤣


Can't tell if this is a troll thread--probably is--but you are the one talking shit on the movie about fighting child trafficking.


Law enforcement agencies fight child trafficking, not Christian film makers.

I've posted several links which show this organization which they promote does not do what it claims. Yet they're still looking for publicity from this film and donations.

This is Jimmy Swaggart. Hold onto your wallets.

And anyone who says anything negative about this operation is labelled a pedo.

It's the oldest scam in the book.

I just think it's ironic that the topic of the movie makes it a favorite of pedos.


It seems you are not aware that multiple documentaries have been made that show the organization in action, including one by an Emmy-award-winning documentarian.

Here's trailer for one of them:

The whole film is available on YouTube.


I posted a link elsewhere on this page which showed how "Operation Underground Railroad" works. "Rich Americans" go to a third world country and flash around money. They contact pimps and say they want children. Street children are rounded up and brought to the Americans. The local cops are called. Great, the pimps are busted. But the children are not rescued and given a home. They're dumped back out on the street to be preyed upon again.

It's a sting operation which creates demand.

I think Tim Ballard was a good man who tried to help children. However I think this organization OUR is a bunch of money hungry evangelists a la Jimmy Swaggert and Jerry Falwell who are more interested in getting donations than helping children. That may be why Ballard left the organization which produced this exploitative film.


It seems that whatever source you looked at ignored OUR's Aftercare program:


You are correct, it is a troll thread by the OP.


Lol. This is a troll film by a bunch of Christian evangelists, one who claims to be Jesus Christ himself!


You are a troll and a liar. Plus we all know why you're deriding the film, it strikes a nerve in you perverts. Hurry, you're late for your NAMBLA meeting.


Uh, we've already established that pedophiles love this film. I think it's a scam.

But you really are one of the stupidest posters on this board, and that's saying a lot.


If you watched any of the Jim Caviezel interviews, you'd know that they went out of their way to preclude any content that would feed the pedophiles. But no, you didn't watch the interviews, you haven't seen the movie, you're here because 'they' told you to be outraged.

Why do you have such an issue with holding pedophiles accountable??? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Aww, grow the fuck up! You know damn good and well that off the cuff comment was meant to be tongue in cheek.


It's called blasphemy. When I was a Christian such a comment would have been considered disrespectful and a sin against the Holy Ghost. I suspect this Caviezel character is just a poseur out for publicity.


Again, grow the fuck up! You've got no business lecturing about blasphemy when you're an ex-Christian atheist but then, maybe that's exactly why you took it out of context. He meant that in jest because he's been so associated with that role and you know it. It's no different than if Robert Downey Jr. had quipped, "I'm Iron Man" in an interview.


Dude, Caviezel can say whatever he wants. But people are suspicious of this movie because of its association with QAnon.

Now, you fans say the movie doesn't bring up any of the weird QAnon conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton sacrificing babies to Satan. Fine, I believe you.

However when you got the hero of the film claiming to be Jesus Christ, it does make it obvious that QAnon wackos are behind this film. And they are profiting from this movie.

OUR is a scam charity which pocketed 75% of its donations in 2020. That money did not go to help children. It lined pockets.

That's why we are suspicious of this film and I will not see it.


"...Caviezel can say whatever he wants."

And yet you took his random, jesting comment completely out of context and used it here to bolster your petty argument.

Also, where did you get the notion I'm a fan? I haven't even seen the movie yet. More evidence of your presumptuous, know-it-all arrogance. 🤨


Because he's a loon. 🤣

But I'm more concerned about the donations these crooks are pocketing.


Oh, that allegation is your rationale for presuming I'm a fan of the movie when, as I said, I haven't even seen it yet? You're not only a snake in the grass but also a complete idiot. I'm sure you've heard of the expression,"true colors". I've just seen yours.

And stop with the facade of trying to claim you're championing some sort of cause. You're just another shallow attention whore. Now fuck off! You've made your childish point that you don't want to see the movie.


What are you even babbling about at this point?

This a promotional movie for a bunch of crooks. You are defending it. Grow a pair of balls and back up your statements or don't waste my time.

Now you fuck off.


Normal is a lazy way to describe people Onan, wtf is normal anyways? I have no idea if I’m “normal” but I do consider myself to be a good person or at least I try to be and I’m going to watch Sound of Freedom.
I’ll let you know what I think, you may or may not care but I’ll post something nonetheless.


Sure, I'd be curious to read your review.

But my main point here is that I see several posters on this board claiming that if you don't like this film you're a pedophile. Lol. It's ironic that the opposite may be true.


Yea, I see your point in regards to the excessive generalization that permeates this forum. It’s too bad, as it detracts from what’s best about this site, having discussions about movies, the good ones as well as the bad ones.


Bruh. Facepalm


Poor OnanThePedo triggered by an anti pedo movie.

Wonder why.


lol 🤣


Someone's triggered. Typical response from you QAnon groupies. Yeah, we're having a Satanic ritual tonight and I'm just looking for a brat to sacrifice.

If I was you I'd be more triggered by the fact that Operation Underground Railroad has kept 75% of their donations and spent only 25% helping children. It's a scam.


Yeah, we're having a Satanic ritual tonight and I'm just looking for a brat to sacrifice.

Closest thing to facts you’ve ever said.

You stand with a party that supports policies that promote genital mutilation, rape, and murder of children. The Democrat Party.


What does the Democratic Party have to do with this? On foreign policy especially, I like Trump.

I don't support sex changes for children either.

You guys turn this into a left/right issue. It's not.

As I posted, 75% of Operation Underground Railroad's donations did not go to stopping trafficking. It's a scam outfit.

This movie promotes them. And it's wrong.

Put your support behind people who are really working to address the problem.

These guys are crooks.


The Democrat media/party and they’re lemmings like you are outraged by this movie exposing the prevalence of pedophilia.

This is what pedophiles do. No matter how many posts you create to try to gaslight people on the reality of the Democrat party and their lemmings supporting policies that promote the genital mutilation, rape, and murder of children.

Any questions?


You just keep up with hysterical accusations that anyone who thinks this topic is a bore and this outfit is a scam is a Democrat or a Commie or whatever and who cares?

You guys sound just like QAnon. Mysterious!

Satanic ritual at midnight tonight!!! Kill babies!!! Kill Kill Kill!!!
