Ah, the QAnon movie

As awful as Battlefield Earth, which is the Scientology movie.


Nobody knew about Q in 2018 when they made SOF which is based on a true story. Why do you hate a movie exposing child trafficking?


As awful as Battlefield Earth, which is the Scientology movie.

Have you seen it, is it that bad?

if the protagonist is rescuing children from paedo scum, all the better.

Oh so you haven't seen it, you're just smearing it due to political reasons as usual. Ah, the Blueanon MovieChat user.


I think you should actually watch the movie before you make threads about it. Because just judging from your comments, it's obvious you have not seen it.


I will most likely see it one day, but I'm not rushing to the local cinema to see it, I'll wait until streaming.


I didn't know what QAnon was, so I looked it up. As far as I can tell, its a left wing conspiracy theory about a secret right wing conspiracy theory. Jeez, you can't make this stuff up.


Also QAnon has zero to do with this movie (as in the actual film itself when viewed), if you actually watch it.


I will add it to my streaming watchlist, but I'm damned if I'm going to see it at the cinema when I can see Tom Cruise instead.




The movie pre-dates Qanon. so what the hell are you talking about?


Oh look another left wing TDSer denigrating this movie what a coincidence.
