It seemed like the director wanted to say "by the way , if you don't agree with my agenda, *FXXK YOU*" It had nothing to do with the story, plot and there was no real purpose to throw it at the audience in the last 10 seconds of the movie. Just another pathetic attempt to force down their agenda in a movie or tv show. I think it's pathetic and these directors, writers and producers need to be blacklisted.
At the very end, Richie carves "R + E" into wooden back of a bench...indicating that Richie and Eddie were lovers or he was in love with him. You not remembering it doesn't surprise me because it had nothing to do with the story or plot and the only apparent reason was to throw in a pro-homosexual agenda at the close. If they want to make a homosexual movie, go for it, but don't shove it down our throats in the last 10 seconds.
You know what? Oh, boo hoo! Just another (boy, they gotta be in the tens of thousands today on this site alone) reactionary manbaby crying about how the social injustice straight white dude agenda is no longer being forced down our throats like it was for decades (since the beginning) in film & tv. OF COURSE reich wing reactionaries that got to live decades upon decades in a comfortably politically correct vanilla world where exclusion and extremely negative portrayals of “the others” was the thing can’t handle seeing their hold on everything being taken away. WhItE GeNoCiDe.... cry me a damn river!
I tell ya, you snowflake chuds need to convince fascist bunker boy to start his own movie studio.... red pill alpha klan productions or something... before his chump ass is thrown out of office cuz clearly this industry (along with fortunately many in the world) is moving forward instead of backwards and will only keep offending ya “good ol’ days” whiny reactionaries. You thought the anti-social injustice agenda in the industry was already bad enough despite representation for the underrepresented still being a joke in the grand scheme of things onscreen and especially off-screen? Well, you ain’t see nothing yet, chuds! For as prevalent as the modern reich is these days, you lot fortunately don’t represent the majority, so continue to cry over humans existing and how your beloved glorifies-slave-owning-Gone with the Wind is being disrespected by the “real” pc crowd (‘murica!). To hell with YOUR agenda.
Looks like I hit the right nerve. I just don't like to watch an entire movie only to end it with some agenda being shoved down my throat. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to see the difference. Before you reply back that heterosexuals have been shoving their agenda for 100 years, i'll remind you that it's good business to play to your audience and since there are less than 5% of homosexuals in the USA, it doesn't make ANY business sense to make entertainment that doesn't entertain the vast majority. I'm also sure you are intelligent enough to understand that. Now, I don't mind if you want to make a movie/tv show that is centered around things that don't entertain me, but just don't pretend it is what it isn't and then shove it down my throat in the last 10 seconds. I'm SURE you are intelligent enough to understand that.
BTW, there might be something wrong with THAT agenda if the only way you can sell it is in the last 10 seconds.
To be fair they were bringing in the Richie is gay story throughout the movie. He even had a flashback and a nightmare sequence about it.
So to me at least it seemed like it was part of his character arc throughout the movie. Unfortunately it was a pretty meh development in the end as you say.
"Meh development"? I thought the point of that was to show that whilst Adrian Mellon's brutalisers were totally homophobic, it showed that Richie's attraction to Eddie in a homosexual sense was positive, too - the other side of the coin. All the more heart-wrenching when Eddie is ripped away from him, right in front of his eyes.
Meh, in the sense that it didn’t feel that important in the end. He also had this fear causing him to throw up on stage or freeze when confronted by Pennywise which I thought was the focus for him.
Richie's fear was clowns, so he said in the first movie. Funnily enough, I always thought his fear was being forgotten, which is why he's so terrified by his "missing" poster in the well house, and why he's always making jokes and smart-aleck remarks, as he craves the attention.
If they were gonna make Richie gay, there should have been some kinda build up. There wasn't even a hint of it before the end. It was just so random and - like you said - out of place.
You mean that 30 second clip in the 2nd movie? Certainly carries more weight than the entire first movie and everything else outside that clip where there's no indication whatsoever he's gay. He's genuinely drooling over Bev with the rest of the guys here: If Richie Tozier was meant to be gay, we should have known this from the first movie. The way it was done was like when JK Rowling was like, "Oh yeah, btw, Dumbledore is gay."
It didn't bother me. Richie obviously loved Eddie, and I think it was in the book as well, but it wasn't "homosexual" or whatever that bullshit is.
The 1990 miniseries is meant to be a faithful adaptation and even Richie's fondness of Eddie was mentioned there, with his first appearance and the whole "Eddie Spaghetti" thing.
Even this Muschietti adult adaptation doesn't mention homosexuality directly, aside from Henry's slur, but then, that's unpleasant Henry for you.
I'm about as anti-PC as someone can be...but I disagree here. I thought it added a layer of character to Richie that was otherwise missing. I didn't feel like it was being shoved down our throats. There's many other movies where it feels that way, but I don't think It Chapter Two was one of them. But I would never be as arrogant to say "everyone who disagrees with me should be blacklisted".
Now now, no one said anything about everyone who "disagrees" with me. I said those who don't mention a homosexual relationship in the story and it has nothing to do with the story and in the last 10 seconds of the movie says btw I'm gay with the other character and the movie ends. Big difference and you know it. And you also know it was thrown in there for a real purpose that has nothing to do with the movie.