Typically speaking you are correct...but, and I know I'm splitting hairs here, the Joker doesn't have "bleached" skin and died hair. If that were the case, it would grow out. Bleached skin must be repeatedly bleached or the natural color will return in time. The hair is, obviously, the same. Michael Jackson did NOT have bleached skin...he had a medical condition, confirmed in his autopsy, called "Vitiligo" which causes a reduction of melanocytes in the skin causing paleness, usually in blotches.
I tend to think that is precisely why Nolan choose his "Joker" to use clown paint...because, in order for the Joker's skin to be naturally white (like an albino) or his hair to actually grow green (which is completely unnatural to the human species) the chemical bath he was exposed to would have to have fundamentally changed his body's chemistry or altered him genetically, which is hardly "grounded".
So, while I'm not saying "Meta" in terms of some great gifts or powers...there is something "beyond the normal" in his transformation which would be impossible in Nolan's universe but is perfectly acceptable in a world where half the super powered individuals in the world got their Meta by exposure to something in the environment (radiation, chemicals, magic forces, etc.).