MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Is the writing worse in SE 6, or is it j...

Is the writing worse in SE 6, or is it just me?

I really liked this show in SE 1-4, maybe 5 too, but SE 6 seems off to me. The conversations between the Miyagi Do students is SE 6, part 2 are really bad at the tournament when they start losing. The dialog seemed like...dumbed down. Like maybe for a younger audience? But then there's curse words all over the place. Makes no sense. Even ralpgh is saying "shit!"
Ralph Macchio saying "this isn't over", after being kidnapped is totally unbelievable. He would just be trying to escape that dog pound castle at any cost! Not talking about ancient beef with Reese.
(and yes, I saw the tattoo)
Next, the tournament games are ridiculous. I fought in under 18 Karate tournaments when I was a kid. There's no 20 foot high stages where you kick other kids off. There's no weapons of any kind! There's so many rules so as to NOT hurt the other kids. The Miyagi Do kids fall 20 feet down and nobody breaks a single bone??? BS!
Also, up until SE 5, I was pretty wrong about everything that I THOUGHT was gonna happen. I wasn't able to predict almost anything. Then that kidnapping thing happened! That was an OBVIOUS Kreese baiting maneuver, obviously. You could see it coming from a mile away!
Am I just getting too old for this show, or has the gimmick just run it's coarse? Or are they running out of ideas? Or did the writers not expect the show to last this long, so now they are just desperately trying to stretch it out as much as possible?


I've only watched about half of it, and yes.

And STOP with the manufactured fights every five minutes! Boring.


The crazy thing is though, is that I WANT to like this show. 💔


OK I finally finished se 6 episodes 6-10 and I take back some of the criticisms I made earlier. To me, this season was slightly saved by the last 20 minutes of ep 10. Still not a good as se 1-5 though.


I thought that it picked up in episodes 8-10.

I look at this series as an homage to martial arts films of the 1970s and 1980s more than anything else. It's ventured off into a realm that isn't believable in the slightest, but it's still fun.


Ha, me too. It hasn't been a great show at all, but it's Karate Kid. It's a part of so many people's youth, love it or hate it. Just want to see what happens, no matter how silly it gets.


Same here. I was a child of the 80s so that first season with the 1980's soundtrack was awesome dude. I guess by season 2 they lacked the funds to pay for the vintage tunes. The writing at this point though I think is the worst I've ever seen in any show.


I think its just you


It's not very good. It just feels like the show has run its course and should've ended after Season 5. A lot of manufactured fights indeed, regressing character development to suit the story at hand, repeating plot beats, characters constantly switching allegiances, Kreese breaking out of jail (which I know was setup the year before), Silver returns, doing Mike Barnes dirty (after giving him a solid return in S5), almost breaking up the team because they couldn't agree on a name (seriously) dopey teen drama/swapping romantic partners, and that over-the-top Battle Royale in the finale.

Now I know the Season 2 finale did something similar with the school fight. But this is supposed to be one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world, and we have this over-the-top battle royale after a sensei and his students get caught cheating. I too have competed in many tournaments as a kid, and this was too much for me. This went into full on cartoon mode for my liking. For the record so did the school fight. Just saying it now before anyone replies with "well they did the same thing in season 2" - I didn't care for it either time. It's one thing to have competing sensei's and rivalry dojos and what have you, but this was just everything that karate is NOT supposed to be. Original series writer Robert Mark Kamen understood this as he was a martial artist. Harold and Kumar crew (love them all) but they are not martial artists.


You fought in the Sekai Takei? Did you win?


Did you fight in the Sekai Takei? It's not a real tournament clown


So you lied when you claimed to have competed in tournaments?


Go away troll.


The more of the recent episodes i watched, the more i wondered if they had different writers for different episodes, and if they didn't like what had occured in the previous one, they'd just undo it. Especially in the last one, in which - SPOILER - they contrived a way for Cobra Kai to be re-admitted, after it such a big deal that they were eliminated in the previous episode.
And all completely pointless because CK could have just been watching the finals with all the other dojos and just joined in the royal rumble at the end like everyone else.
I thought the writing had been getting progressively worse throughout and that really took the biscuit


Yeah, it didn’t even make sense that Cobra Kai was still at the tournament. They should have been packed up and gone by that steroids announcement.


I believe Ralph Macchio wrote every episode


The writing has been bad since after Season 1.

This is a dull teen drama.


Idk about worse. Its just lazier and repeated nostalgia. The entire series is a cycle of repeating every couple episodes. No real character growth, just added characters. So i think your just tired of it as i am and many are. Or as you said, the gimmick has run its course.


Well, that's just common sense thinking.
