All White Guys are Rapey Drunks. Only Black Guy is a Good Guy.
They aren't even trying to hide the propaganda anymore.
shareThey aren't even trying to hide the propaganda anymore.
shareI don't think it was all but yea that one scene was very obvious. I think it stands out more in 2020 (like hey we made the black guy a great friendly guy and the white guy is a disgusting creep. See!) Since that narratives being forced. I don't think there were many black people in the movie outside of that one though.
shareThe lead was a blond blue eyes white guy. This movie was far-from-woke, and I can't stand over-Woke virtue signalling.
shareWhat about the "I Hate Guns" line.
What about the villian clearly suppose to be repersenting Trump?
This movie was WOKE.
Hating guns doesn't make you "woke". Many rational non-Far-Left loons don't like guns.
And I never once thought of the villain as Trump, and I grew up in NYC in the 80s and know all about Trump.
You're grasping at straws to make this move "woke" is just as bad as actual "wokesters" who look to complain about everything that doesn't meet every facet of their agenda.
I believe that Patty Jenkins did actually acknowledge that Pedro's character was indeed inspired by Trump.
shareThat's called a bullshit statement made to pander to liberals, in hopes that they will see this movie despite the dog shit that she knew it turned out to be. How did she get inspired by Trump, when it's a character that existed in the comics long before Trump's political ambitions? She was dumb enough to screw the pooch on this sequel, so I guess it doesn't surprise me that she's dumb enough to fail to see that logic flaw.
shareThat's a good point.
I think that both Gadot and Pascal said any similarities were coincidental.
It's not coincidental. This is the comic character
This is how the movie portrayed that character
And this is Trump in 1977.
The character existed before, but the movie made him look very similar to what Trump looked back in the 80s. And let's remember that this movie is set in the 80s.
Hmm. Well you're certainly right that Pedro's appearance in the movie looks nothing like the comic book version.
shareThat's just one artist rendition. Lord looked various ways depending on who drew him. Here he looks more like the movie version:
@GingerbreadPimp: There is a "politics" category for you and crocodile to post your fuck1ng bullshit politics instead of trolling all the other ones with it.
shareNo way, movie had no woke issues. Creepy raper was white but black guy was a hobo. The office manager was a black woman, one Asian dude and the rest all white. I had no problem with that.
Whoever thought Lord is a Trump like character is crazy. If anything he reminds me more of a schemer or faith healer, trump ain’t like that.
Also, Max Lord has been around as a character for decades.
shareAgreed. I'd heard that the villain was "Trumpy" in a review, but the only people who would think that are pathetic liberal snowflakes that see Trump as the boogie man everywhere.
shareIf the movie *really* wanted to go woke.. how Steve Trevor turns into a rapey frat boy type (for literally no other reason other than thats just what white guys do) .. and Diana turns to a handsome upstanding black guy for support and she falls in love with him and he saves her from the horrible white rapey face Steve Trevor ..
shareThat's probably gonna happen the next movie. In established franchises, Hollywood makes incremental moves, slowly but steady.
Take Thor, for example. He started being the God of Thunder in the first movie. It took a few movies, but he's a drunk fat guy who lost his divinity and you have two lesbian multiracial females replacing him.
2 lesbians? I can only think of one, who’s the other one?
share2 lesbians? I hope they make a porn movie with this plot ...
shareIf white people do not play the bad guys, there will be no more movies...
The only one that was raped in this movie (literally) was a ... white guy ...