MovieChat Forums > Us (2019) Discussion > It's really not THAT original!

It's really not THAT original!

I still find Jordan Peel is the most over rated director in a while. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying is a bad director, he's got good technique but that same story was done before in the Twilight Zone and other films. Mirror universe stories are as old as time but for some reason because Jordan Peel made it it's suddenly super original. Not a bad movie, it was good and it had fantastic acting BUT the acting should be praised more than anything else because I personally felt a sense of deja vu throughout the film and I have seen that "Twist" coming from a mile.


I would like to say that once again I am NOT calling Peel a bad director far from it. I am just saying that the press and media reaction to his film are really making them look like they are the greatest thing since fresh air, they are over-rating him to the extreme but that is my personal opinion. There are many films that were truly original last year that never got a look back such as "Bad times at the Dell Royal" but I feel Peel is becoming like Disney/Marvel when it comes to the press, he can do no wrong.



As a director I think he does fine, if not great. Direction is not really something I notice in a movie unless it is done horribly. But as a writer, I think that this was convoluted tripe. So many questions, from character motivations, to continuity are never answered. This is not a directing problem but one that stems from bad storytelling. But seeing as how he both wrote and directed the film, my dislike of the movie does fall squarely on him. I guess.
