MovieChat Forums > Glass (2019) Discussion > end credits scene (spoilers)

end credits scene (spoilers)

mid end credits scene: Interior of hospital morgue.. camera pans over nametagged bodies of Glass, Kevin...(in background we hear noises like a door being forced open).. then goes to empty slab containing just sheet and name tag "Dunn"...

cue 'Unbreakable' score/fade to black


(spoilers) There was no end credits scene, this did not happen.


Its what it could've been . I didn't like Dunn going out like that


It's a comic book movie. Just like comics, nobody really dies forever if they don't want them to.


lol, should have used (wishful thinking) tag. I agree, though, Dunn's death was lame.


Another would be to have ended it like something like a 'Dark Knight' ending with Dunn surviving and now living in the shadows even more than ever,

E.g. we see Dunns boy standing with Taylor-Joy giving 'silent guardian the city deserves' type monologue as he watches his Dad on the run from impending cops then ends with calling him 'unbreakable' cue Black screen /Unbreakable score


Neither did I. Shyamalan regained his mojo only to destroy it!!!


If only. That would assuage my pain and anger but alas its not to be. But seriously you reminded me that the story doesn't have to end where that hack left it and I choose your ending friend. :-)


Yes yes yes




I'd like that but ... nah.

It'd detract from the sacrifice made by all three superhumans in service of Glass's ultimate goal: letting the world know they exist.

If anything, it'd "feel" more consistent to end showing other superhumans "awakening" in keeping with Glass's master plan

Point being, this movie and arguably the trilogy weren't about Dunn so much as Glass. He was the man with the plan. Anything we see at the end of the film should be in service to him or his plan.
