Apparently, blonde, blue-eyed Aryan *princess* can complete and master an assault course on one try compared to working-class, blue-collar Mario, who needs several tries to do so. *sigh* 🙄🤦♂️
Honestly, what do women see in such weak, pathetic, inadequate men? Why do they even need them?
Also, is anyone else tired with all the fucking simping for PRIVILEGED white women, in this instance a fucking PRINCESS? Unlike POC, minorities and WORKING-CLASS/BLUE-COLLAR types like Mario, PRIVILEGED white women are put on a damn pedestal time-and-time again. This isn't 'woke'. It's *selective* and *inconsistent* wokism, and WHITE female SUPREMACY (white female NAZI Leni Reifensahl would be proud).
Also, in reality, princesses are symbols of privilege (i.e. spoiled aristocratic blue-bloods). In real-life, they may *look* like blonde, blue-eyed ARYAN Princess Peach, but they're rarely orphans raised to a throne via hard work/merit. Monarchies, which include kings, queens, princes and PRINCESSES, are inherently elitist, unfair, supremacist and promote INEQUALITY. Very unwoke, at least according to *my* PURE definition of wokism.
I heard Wario also sometimes considers Bowser (Weinstein) his enemy, even though the Mario character is actually his arch-rival. Wario was perhaps created to widen the demographics so people like OP would have someone to root for, since they don't like "simps". However, if he's not willing to sit at the table and help save her because he's threatened by her success, is that not a despicable, cowardice trait when it comes down to it?
If Mario, simp or no, is just a blue-collar plumber and not Superman, doesn't that make the challenges and motivation of his quest more inspiring and fulfilling for the player or watcher?
My lord, was this discussion a ridiculous bore. Also, I haven't seen the movie yet, and am speaking about my overall knowledge of characters in general.
Princess Peach similarly has to extend her one-dimensional nature as damsel-in-distress and show some initative and atheleticism if she were to remain of interest to female moviegoers. It's about $$$ and nothing else. Keeping and extending the audience for a $1 billion box office and further successful games. Also, wasn't Peach a playable character going back to the 2nd game? Not only that, but she was the easiest, most controlled, character since her dress allowed for the hovering jump. Advantages like that would aid in any obstacle course.
Finally, its worth pointing out that anyone can be a damsel-in-distress. Introduce the elements of planning and surprise, and the person can be whacked. Bugsy Siegel can be whacked. John F. Kennedy can be whacked. Empress Elisabeth of Austria can be whacked... if you didn't know, she was stabbed in the chest by an assassin named Luigi! "Okey dokey!" "Mama mia."
So, Wario... err... Otto... err... I'm sorry, HarveyManFredSin. I challenge u to whack Bowser to truly earn affections of Peach, cuz that's what she's waiting for so she doesn't have to build no more obstacle courses. Mario & Luigi, though heroic, are too busy jerking off to her mushrooms.
So, capitalism and greed? Count me out. Guess I'm more woke and virtuous than that.
Also, couldn't they have added a new character, like, say a WOC, to be the strong, intelligent female character. My issue isn't feminist. I'm *pro*-feminist. I'm VERY pro WOC and working-class women. What I'm NOT pro is simping for blonde, blue-eyed Aryan princesses (i.e. the type of women the NAZIS, who, I must advise you, I HATE, put on a pedestal). Once again, I apologise for my superior wokeness and virtue, and unwillingness to simp for the world's EVA BRAUNS and the Fox News BIMBOS (and yes, I will use that word, even though Trump called Megyn Kelly the same thing, because Megyn 'Santa Can't Be Black' Kelly and Kayleigh McEnany, and their ilk, are TOXIC, along with Trump's FAVOURITE CHILD, Ivanka; which goes to show, I am ANTI-TRUMP and ANTI-everything he stands for, since I despise the likes of Ivanka and her ilk).
And it seems to me that Peach didn't need to be saved, so, who's the 'cowardly' one? If she wants to be saved, fine, I'm *figuratively* there. But I'm NOT going to PATRONISE a STRONG, INTELLIGENT, CAPABLE woman, am I? That would be misogynist. And unlike MANY men, I am NOT a misogynist.
Clarity is always nice, Making it abundantly clear who and what you are, and what you want from others, so that we can best serve your needs, is always helpful. You don't want my help; cool, I won't give it. You DO want my help, then FUCKING say so, but don't play coy and BULLSHIT. But I'm not a mind-reader, and I'm not going to force my will and expectations on someone who appears to want something different. That's being REASONABLE and FAIR.
I am Ayran, and my grandmother, though American her entire life (and those of her parents) is a blonde, blue-eyed princess with nearly 100% German ancestry.
Cable News is designed to rile you up. These media personalities are carefully crafted stereotypes and their stories and how they peddle them is crafted for effect. Infotainment, and the commercials are the reason for it's entire existence. I can agree with you that they are despicable people in media, and I want nothing to do with their world. Watch some local network news instead, or read something.
How old are you?
We love the Marx Brothers in my German family. Trump clan are narcissitic sociopaths, and instead of seeing inherited mental illnesses for what they are, you are looking at folks' ethnicities.
Germans love the Jews and share similar traits, which is why so many emigrated there in the first place and did well. Hitler was an Austrian who was all about brainwashing youth, consolidating power and invading and expanding territory. His main goal was segregation in favor of Nationalism, and it only worked for a time due to market crashes worldwide and the harsh penalities of the Versailles Treaty. American Germans and those outside the sphere of influence of Central Europe 90 years ago are not your enemies.
You serve to further the cause of anti-semitism, and you are a very bitter and simplicistic person. If there were a Jewish equivilant of Hitler on moviechat, this would be you. You are too busy searching for enemies to your own detriment. I agree with others that you shouldn't be influencing children about your thoughts on these movies or games. Let them be "simps" for a little while, because it's healthy to be so.
You didn't even laugh at my Fish Called Wanda joke, Otto.
Perhaps you and I should join forces and ridicule those British slobs? Nah, I'm done with you.
"We love the Marx Brothers in my German family. Trump clan are narcissitic sociopaths, and instead of seeing inherited mental illnesses for what they are, you are looking at folks' ethnicities."
I *am* mentally ill, and so I take immense offence any time someone attributes evil to mental illness.
I was bullied, or at least ostracised and marginalised, as a kid, predominantly by the blond(e) Aryan kids, at least to begin with, and so I found strength and validation by viewing them as the enemy. As a white straight man, I wasn't going to demonise ALL white people, ALL straight people and ALL men, and I certainly WASN'T going to punch down at any oppressed minority, especially marginalised groups that *I* belong to (i.e. a double negative whammy), such as the mentally ill and the working-class, but Aryans, yeah, they make handy hate figures for me (just as men make handy hate figures for extreme feminists, and ALL white people make handy hate figures for Black militants etc).
I'm sorry if that includes you. In all objectivity, I don't think all blonde, blue-eyed gentiles are 'evil', but if I'm going to envision a Hate Sink character, they're likely to be WEALTHY, WHITE, CIS-HET, ABLE-BODIED, MENTALLY WELL, GOOD-LOOKING and GENTILE, and possess all the systemic privileges, including social popularity. Anything else would be *punching down*, which, apart from being morally and politically incorrect, leaves a mentally-ill progressive like me suffering severe and unwelcome feelings of cognitive dissonance, which is hard for me to deal with (and, YES, I have seen thearpists, but I don't have the money to go private, or to be constantly seen by one, so, in the meantime, I have to navigate by illnesses as best I can; and ideally with some accommodation from people who have better mental health than me, and thus not as obsessive about these issues as I am).
Bear in mind however that I said NOTHING about German-Americans, or Germans. 'Aryan' in the Nazi sense...
...(and remember, it was a pseudo-science and erroneous use of the term, in any case), applied not simply to Germans, but Austrians, Nordics/Swedes, the Dutch, Northern French and Anglos (i.e. Brits and Anglo-Americans, or WASPs). It was not *exclusive* to Germans (besides which, Hitler was Austrian), and many Brits and other people of non-German Northern European ancestry have identified as 'Aryans'/acted on behalf of the white supremacist 'cause'.
Also, I don't believe I said anything about Jews on this thread, so I'm not sure why you brought up anti-Semitism, but bear in mind that although 6 millions Jews were the largest group to be oppressed/murdered by the Nazis, the Nazis regarded many various people, including Black people, Romanies, and various others, even Poles (a sad irony in view of the anti-Semitic collusion between some Poles and the Nazis), as 'non-Aryans'. The mentally ill, like myself, and members of the gay, lesbian, bi, trans and queer community would also be regarded as anathema to the 'Aryan ideal'.
Anyway, I know I am obsessive about these things, but, like I say, if we're going to talk about white privilege and male privilege, and CRT, and so on, I think it's also fair to talk about 'Aryan' and Northern European, and blonde/blue-eyed privilege, since these were the people who I feel discriminated against people like me as a kid, so, I feel pop culture should bring them down a peg or two, instead of simping for them. After all, if white men are going to be the villains, then so should well-to-do Aryans, specifically.
Many people who have conflicts with each other are actually very similar, but may look different and so they don’t realize.
I like stuff from Japan like those video games, and Japanese sure know how to market to the West. Obviously, I understand and appreciate German culture. Jewish folk share a similar sense of humor, are very proud and often brainy, and this makes sense to me as well.
It’s still important to evaluate individuals as they come.
I don’t look down on mental illnesses, but I’ve heard Trump being attacked for his German heritage before instead of the obvious… he needs attention and lacks scruples. He’s not Hitler, he’s Millard Fillmore. Everybody needs to stop focusing on style so they can actually see the substance.
Sorry to bring up TFG, 45, again, but he’s had a disastrous effect on interpersonal relations particularly with youth, and most of the high profile social issues that we’re dealing with now are a result of it.
Also, don’t let women tell you to avoid chivalry, because they don’t really hate it… they are just lashing out and being neurotic as usual. Patronize the fuck out of them. Feminists are lesbians. If women want me to slap their ass, they better be ready to let me hold the door for them first and save their kingdom from muthafvckin’ Bowser.
I can't recall anyone insulting Trump for his German heritage. I've noticed him being mocked for hiding his German roots, and I've also seen people attack his grandfather for being an immigrant. If that's to make a point about Trump's xenophobia, fine, but it was lumped along with negative traits, like draft-dodging and pimping.
And I agree about the corrosive impact Trump's rise as a political figure has had on society. I call his election, the day the comedy died. After his election, nothing was funny anymore, because how can we satirise a world that would elect such a man. It's beyond parody, and the effects of him coming to power were far from comical.
But I'm not going to patronise any woman. I'll hold the door for any person, but I'm NOT going to make special efforts for someone because they're a woman, UNLESS they're elderly, disabled or pregnant, especially since some women will no doubt lash out and take offence at a strange man being nice to them.
I'm not surprised with big movies like this, they have to push the subliminals... watch it again here and pay close attention