most disappointing sequel?
I don't mean which one you hate most/think was worst.. I mean which post T2 sequel held the most promise but then totally shit the bed for you at the time..
T3 - everyone sort of expected it to suck as no Cameron at all. Mostow was kind of an unknown (unless you were a movie buff who knew hed done the decent Breakdown), Arnolds movies had taken a downturn (so a Cameron free T3 seemed abit of a iffy gamble), the female terminator sounded gimmicky. No Ed Furlong (although JC was literally a kid in T2 so whose to say he wouldn't look different 10years on), trailers looked okish but nothing special.. but then watching it at the time the movie didn't seem actually that bad compared to other 2003 films (Matrix2/3) in fact it seemed pretty good! and the ending was cool. However now its looks/feels almost like a SyFy tv movie with little to none of that Cameron magic. (shit the bed factor - 1/5)
T4 - on the plus side you had Bale fresh from TDK (and Ironside was a good sign) and it was the future war at last (plus rumours Arnold would cameo as an early T800). trailers looked cool.. but negatives you had McG, and the depressing PG13, and the future war didn't look right (more Mad Max), then there was the Bale rant that suggested all wasn't well.. the actual movie at the time didn't seem too bad but really it sucked. And revisiting it now just proves it. (shit the bed factor - 3/5)
T5 - plus's you had Arnold back and the future war stuff of the trailers looked better than T4 and the 1984 stuff suggested a BTTF2 revisit to T1 which was a very cool prospect, also Cameron came forward and said it was like the true T3!.. the flip side you had that damn PG13 again and buff Jai Courtney was obviously miscast and those ridiculous wtf early posters of them looking like in a playground all screaming firing guns (plus Alan Taylor of Thor Dark World didn't feel a very inspired choice)...the movie first half was pretty cool 2029/1984 but went and shit the bed with going to 2017..and rewatching now those negatives feel worse (shit the bed factor - 4/5)
T6 - you have Linda back, Cameron involved officially, R rating back, true 'official' sequel to T2 (shades of TG!), Tim Miller of megahit Deadpool directing was interesting (biggest hit of any post T2 director)... but those trailers looked like it was TG2 and wtf up with the 'here come the girls' poster?..but the actual movie wasn't all that bad and probably best of the post T2 sequels imho (it at least feels more like a T2 sequel than the rest) - had no prob with John being blown away, Mexico etc (shit the bed factor - maybe 2/5 as it could've been better from all those plus's)
so ultimately id say biggest disappointment for me (from what knew beforehand) was probably T5 as I really wanted to love it and was seduced by all the cool stuff in the trailers but it just totally shit the bed in the second half (but I imagine most will probably say T6)