Do the Terminators in this movie actually try to terminate people or do they prefer to just throw them around, especially when they're high-priority targets (as seen in Throwinator Salvation)?
shareDo the Terminators in this movie actually try to terminate people or do they prefer to just throw them around, especially when they're high-priority targets (as seen in Throwinator Salvation)?
sharein T1 the T800 threw gingers 'wo-oh/don't make me bust you up man!' bf around abit but that was to literally kill him (not give him a light bruise)
Can't rember if anyone gets thrown in DF maybe they did at the end can't remember as so much going on
Yeah, I always hated that about “Salvation” how the T-800 had John Connor in it’s grip numerous times, but instead of just snapping his back and killing him he’d toss him across the room.
So they do it again in this one, too? That’s hardly the efficient killing machine that terminators are said to be. It’s no wonder Skynet loses again and again. And when is Skynet ever going to put some kind of security around their time machine to stop humans from using it.
The "throwing" thing was an issue with the old Incredible Hulk TV series as well. Since it was on primetime and kids were watching, they could never show the Hulk doing anything more than toss people, LOL.
I remember even TV cop shows back in the day...could never even show someone getting shot, let alone blood or someone getting killed. It wasn't until Miami Vice that they actually started getting edgy and showing people get shot and stuff.
Speaking of terminators tossing people....Rick Rossovich ("Bunky", the boyfriend) got thrown around pretty harshly, but he actually got a good tackle in on that T-800! Drove him back a couple feet even. Not bad.
"It wasn't until Miami Vice that they actually started getting edgy and showing people get shot and stuff."
Magnum, P.I. showed people getting shot long before Miami Vice did.
shareFour years, and yes, four years is long before, since that represents almost half of the 1980s. Here are a few other things that happen in four years:
A complete presidential term
All of high school
A bachelor's degree
How about you wait until 2024 to reply to this post and then tell me if it was a long wait?
shareYes Terminators actually kill people effectively in this movie. Honestly I wasn't too bothered by Salvation's throwinator tactics because I could at least excuse that to Skynet still being in the early stages and probably still has some kinks to sort out.
Sarah Connor Chronicles and Genysis were when Terminators really bothered me with their inability to kill anyone and dying so easily. I think even the T-600s in Salvation put up more of a fight than those loser robots from TSCC and Genysis.
Throwminator lol
You really notice it at one point, when Arnold is beating up the bad guy and throws him up and over the railing of a second floor walkway. Shit you not, I even said out loud, "why are you throwing him out of arms reach??"
Really makes it stand out when its the good guy doing it, and it looked like he'd been getting somewhere with the beating beforehand. Was kind of a weird scene, really...