Why can't you grow a spine and respond directly to what I wrote earlier?
Your math example is ridiculous.
Care to elaborate?
AND as far as the pope goes, perhaps you can ask him why all those priests were moved around from parish to parish and allowed to continue to molest/rape/harm children.
That certainly has been a black eye upon the Church. I think those who covered up the abuses are just as guilty as those who did the abusing, and should be punished just as severely.
As to why the cover up? For the same, wrong reasons as the cover up’s by schools and other organizations. They all, stupidly, thought moving the abuser would end the problem because it was now someone else’s problem. They didn’t understand the nature of the sexual predator.
The only thing which has kept me in the Catholic faith is the knowledge that the abuses/cover ups were no different than anywhere else, and that a child is ten times more likely to be abused by someone involved in their school than in their church. This is the case since not all children who go to church go to school at that church, and not all churches have schools. But, most every child does go to school.
It’s also interesting to note that, at least a few years back, not all states had laws requiring teachers convicted of sexual crimes to give up their teaching licenses. It has been within the past 10 years that Missouri made it a law that once convicted, the teacher’s license was revoked. Previously, a teacher could be convicted of some sexual offense against a child, receive probation or such, and simply move across state and start teaching again.
That does not excuse the abuses done by priests, but it does illustrate that not only were they not the only ones abusing, but that the media/people are more interested in the sensationalism of the abuses by priests than the actual dangers their children are in from school personnel.
The church does not talk about those things and it discourages members from talking about them.
That is flat out bullsh!t you are spewing just so you can perpetuate more hatred.
Payouts signed in secret, etc.
You do realize that both parties have to agree to this, right? It isn't simply the Church not advertising it, it is also the abused wanting the settlement without having it broadcast to everyone what all happened.
Not many 11 and 14 yr old children have the experience or the intellect to have a proper discussion about metaphysics.
Define "proper discussion."
You are another one I doubt has children, or, if you do, you really underestimated them.
When my son was 5, we had to go to a funeral. I took the time to explain that body was just what carried a person's being. What a person was were the things that made him or her special. Like with him, it was his love of Thomas the Tank Engine, Pokemon, baseball, etc. And, as long as we remembered those things about the person who died, they'll still be alive.
He totally got what I was saying.
No schools do not teach religions.
Yes they do, but you are an ignorant, hate-filled bigot.
Religion is stupid. Religion is toxic. Religion is bad for everyone.
See my previous statement.
You make wrong and hateful statements. Exactly why should you be allowed to do so without question?
Why don't you do as I suggested and take your kids to church. Can you leave them with your priest? I dare you!
Again, at least 10 times more chance a child will be molested by a person involved with their school than by a priest. But, that doesn't fit into your hate-filled narrative, does it?