MovieChat Forums > Moonfall (2022) Discussion > How did Emmerich got 150m for this lame$...

How did Emmerich got 150m for this lame$hit?

ID4:Resurgence was an epic fail this is even worse. It's actually sad watching the Director of Stargate and the original ID4 directing such a terrible movie.The script is based on some ludicrous conspiracy theories that fail to engage or being a little bit believable.The 3rd act goes full Cartoon and disaster porn full of Emmerich's past tropes and clichés
Halle Berry's role is very forced no charisma at all and Woke feminist pandering the role should've been male since there is no ROMANCE between her and her Work "husband" or any chemistry ruined the film for me...Just imagine Will Smith instead
The whole cast pretty much sucks...
Feminism ruined modern Cinema


Absolutely agree with you


And what does ID4 and Stargate both have in common? Fantastic and memorable soundtracks and sound effects. From the moment ID4 starts, on the moon, the soundtrack hooks you in. Even the Day After Tomorrow had a good soundtrack, we all remember the opener as the plane flies over Antarctica as that epic tune plays.

All his new movies have phoned in soundtracks and forgettable sound effects, and that is half the movie just like that.


Gotta agree about Day After Tomorrow. The opening is one of my favorite parts of the movie.


I think that's it exactly. I couldn't put my finger on why this didn't feel like an Emmerich film at all. It feels very generic.


100% agree. I'll go as far as saying that even Godzilla had a pretty good music score. As shit as the the movie is, the music playing during the opening credits and at the end just before the end credits is awesome.


You're spot on, esp. about Halle Berry and feminism ruining modern cinema.

They tried to pathetically re-create the "Bill Pullman gives a rousing speech to rally the troops" from Independence Day, with Halle Berry trying to do the same in this one (progressive, womxn power!!!, with extra points for her being black), only, it fell flat and was lame af due to the poor delivery and weak lines.

This movie also tried to re-create the father son bond theme that was the driving force behind 'The Day after tomorrow' via the drama between Patrick Wilson and Sonny (stupid name and the annoying boy looked like a young version of David Caruso transitioning into a woman), but it was unconvincing, weakly done and you just couldn't care about the boy or the relationship.

The Chinese pandering that is fast becoming a standard in current Hollyweird movies continues with the Asian babysitter (eye roll) and the black general literally saying, "My ex-wife has never let me down" was laughably ridiculous, not to mention the only funny scene in the movie that also failed at the forced comedy bits with Samwell Tarly. Emmerich seems to be going the way of Ridley Scott, by turning into a shadow of his former self.

The movie's concept wasn't bad, but the execution was mostly awful and it once again proved that CGI overload won't make up for a poor script and sub par acting. 6/10 at best for me.


"Feminism ruined modern Cinema"

Yeah , shouldve juyst gone back to the 80's and got Arnie in his prime to crack that asteroid between his thighs.
no wimmin required rite!


What asteroid? Do you know the title of the movie you're commenting on? 😆


i did , although now , a couple of days later i cant remember why i wrote asteroid.
maybe just to generalise all these space disaster films like armageddon etc


Lol no problem. I got the gist of what you were saying. I just found it funny how totally innocent asteroids got dragged into something they have alibis for. I personally haven't watched it but it's next on my list after I'm done with "The Mitchells Vs The Machines."


should've been male since there is no ROMANCE between her and her Work "husband"

you are exactly why there is a need for feminism.


It a quote from the movie FEMTARD


I didn't care about all the race / gender / equality shit which others seem hung up on these days. It was just a bad sci-fi film overall, regardless of who was in it. It would have been just as mundane with a major action star in it. It was just dumb and full of too many sequences carefully written for sheer mindless entertainment.

I long for more intelligent sci-fi, it is so few and far between. Unfortunately it doesn't bring in the money for the studios.

What a massive disappointment that must be for everyone involved. Only a small fraction of return for the $150m~ spent. Probably could have made 3 smarter films for that price. And something like Moon, for example, cost only $5m.


Even more than the question on how he got this movie financed I wonder how he could turn out such a bad movie. I am not even remotely a fan of Emmerich but he has turned out a couple of very successful and enjoyable movies. And those movies were obviously far from highbrow but they did give you the feeling that Emmerich had some sort of skill in creating amusing scifi blockbusters.

But Moonfall is just so horribly bad at every level that you kind of wonder if he didn't farm out his directing job to a 12-year old. Every aspect of this film sucks: the story, the dialogue, the acting and even the CGI feels seriously undercooked and low quality. I wouldn't even call it a B-movie but something much farther below that. Avoid, avoid, avoid.


Let's not pretend like ID4 or Stargate are masterpieces. They are good entertainment and a hell of a lot better than this effort, but still cheesy 7 out of 10 movies, at best IMO. Emmerich has never been a great director. Someone on this thread even compared to Ridley Scott's downfall. Ridley at least has 2 masterpieces in Alien and Blade Runner, and I don't even think any Emmerich movie would break into a top 5 of best Scott movies. The guy is just a gimmick director with his gimmick being disaster movies, which have gradually got more and more trash with each release. I wouldn't have expected anything less with this latest offering.
