The show implies Developmental Handicaps are the fault of the Disabled
The show in it's clueless writing implies that a "normal" person given control of the faculties of a person with Developmental Disabilities can effortlessly overcome those disabilities. This encourages bigotry against those with Developmental Disabilities by implying that they are not actually disabled but simply refuse to act normal, and that any person put into their body would be able to act and operate completely normally
Here's a clue -- Developmental Disability is due to the brain not developing normally and is no fault of the disabled person.
The show might as well have shown an amputee being taken over by a "traveller" growing their appendages back in an instant and being able to pull Jackie Chan moves. In fact, that would have been preferable since even a child knows that is impossible, but here in America the mentally disabled are looked down upon and treated with hostility and many adults around here might buy into that notion that Developmental Disability is not a physical affliction, but a "choice".
So thanks for opening with a insensitive and bigoted message that helps encourage more bigotry in America. It's not like there isn't enough of that around here as it is