Kevin's acting career

All I have to say it's about damn time the show FINALLY discussed Kevin's habit of walking out on productions. Like damn I know the show is more a family show, and they've always kind of downplayed Kevin being a celebrity. But IDK anyone with even the slightest inkling of how the business works it's kind of borderline insulting at this point.

But myyyyy goood. He's under contract on a sitcom, walks out on his show, breaches contract but it's okay he doesn't want to be that kind of actor anyway. No follow up really...I hope the lawsuit cleaned him out but it didn't. Regardless of his reason it's bad.

Walks off a broadway show....well it was only off broadway so that doesn't count. Again regardless of your reason it's bad.

Walks off a DeNiro movie...look I know DeNiro's name might not carry the same weight it did in the 80s and 90s but good god. Third time regardless of your reasoning it's bad. Three strikes.

I know it's a minor thing to critique on but yeah I hope he gets blackballed


Yes. Even if the producers wanted him for a film, his history makes him a bad insurance risk.

Of all his walk-outs, the only understandable one was walking out of the DeNiro film to be at the birth of his children.


Wouldn’t it be ironic if one of the real cast members walked out on this show like that?

Agree, this is a silly pattern of behavior. A sitcom, eye candy type actor would normally be typecasted as such for his whole career. That Kevin not only got one but two breakout roles is a one in million opportunity. I can only think of a few real actors who have self-sabotaged their careers like that: Shia LaBoeuf and Mel Gibson come to mind but they started off as A-list film actors.


I see where you're going but I wouldn't agree that Gibson and Laboeuf are in the same vein. Both those men had meltdowns off camera and off screen. Neither one have ever walked off a set.

But again to do it three times would basically guarantee you don't have a career anymore. They would never do that to him, but Kevin SHOULD be blackballed.
