MovieChat Forums > Anon (2018) Discussion > AR technology that physically overrides ...

AR technology that physically overrides [Spoilers...]

AR technology that physically overrides your eyesight? And you can't even turn it off?
What kind of an idiot genius invented this idiotic tech?

Yeah, yeah, if this MacGuffin wasn't there the rest of the movie couldn't happen at all.
I get it. Still stupid as fuck.


Stupid? Open your eyes, bru! The liberals/progressives have us careening towards this very world!


The term is regressive or progtard!


Ooops! I forgot ;)




You do know, OP, that science fiction was originally known as speculative fiction, right? As in “what if we could do THIS?”

It’s not the science that matters in science fiction. It’s the fictional narrative.

Sheesh! What are they teaching in schools today?

Al, buddy, the phrase is idiot savant. You’re welcome.

And, Chill, all governments want this intrusive tech: liberal, conservative, barbaric, Satanic.
