MovieChat Forums > 24: Legacy (2017) Discussion > Huffington Post whines about "Islamaphob...

Huffington Post whines about "Islamaphobia" in first episode

The Islamophobic Episode Of ‘24: Legacy’ After The Super Bowl Was Unacceptable
The reboot has learned nothing from the original series’ biggest misstep.

I didn't even see this first episode, but if watching it will in any way "offend" the serially offended, overdramatized, unhinged, killjoy cucks at the Huffington Compost, count me in...

"If it doesn't make sense, it's not true." -- Judge Judy
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Apparently the terrorists are supposed to be white Americans to escape PC backlash now. People can't separate politics and a f'ing TV show anymore, as if we aren't already saturated enough with it.


So what are they saying? Fictional TV shows should never portray Muslims as terrorists, even though the vast majority of significant acts of terrorism committed in western countries in the last 10 years were the work of Muslims?

The image of the Muslim extremist next door is total nonsense

Obviously not TOTAL nonsense, or has the author forgotten about Boston and San Bernardino?


Not to mention the Chattanooga shooter who went to my highschool.

He was just a normal kid and I didn't know him personally but I had a lot of mutual friends. Obviously there are good Muslims, I know many, but that never would have happened if his religion didn't radicalize him.

Most Muslims who grew up here live completely normal lives, just pray differently and have different traditions. But doesn't mean they can't be radicalized like the Chattanooga shooter.

My dad works around that area in Chattanooga glad he wasn't around there that day.


Most Muslims who grew up here live completely normal lives, just pray differently and have different traditions. But doesn't mean they can't be radicalized like the Chattanooga shooter.

Of course. What I don't get about people like the author of the article is that they seem to think that portraying some Muslims as terrorists is the same as implying that all Muslims are terrorists when it is obviously not.


the religion didnt do anything. Religion is just one of many excuses of wicked men to be wicked. Muslims are no different to anyone else, or any other religion. Its the people that make things bad.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


Religion does have to do with it though. It's the religion that radicalizes them. Bad ideologies lead to bad people.


Spoken like a fox news drone. The book, like Americas bible, is all about interpretation. Every religion can be bastardised by some idiot to inspire people to violence. You think Christianity is any different? Shall we go through the hundreds of years of butchery of the "GODS GRACE" that has been done? That same god that every president keeps harping on about as a buzzword for the religious folks in the country to get them on side.

Saying its islam is over simplifying what is actually going on. It washes away any fault by the US and UK for the parts they played and continue to play in that part of the world. The constant interference over the past 100 years for the sake of oil and to keep the Saudis sweet. Which is and of itself a massive joke considering that Saudi Arabia is probably the poster child for bad islamic country, yet an ally.

In mymar there are masses of Buddhists hacks woem and children to pieces. Do you consider that to be an extreme religion? Of course not. You get fed a line and you accept it never once considering that your being lied to. There are many islamic countries that are just if not more progressive than the US or UK. Indonesia being one example.

Its not the religion any more than it was the dark knight rises thats to blame for the evil that people do. Its just another excuse.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


Spoken like a regressive, SJW leftist

I don't watch Fox. I'm a classical liberal.

Saying it isn't Islam is lying to avoid offending people. Facts don't go out the window becuase it hurts someone's feelings.

You don't see Christians, Jews, or any other religion doing these things or oppressing women on a wide-scale like the Islamic nations do. Yeah, keep reading those racist Buzzfeed articles and tell yourself you're informed, Ben Affleck. '

I'm not saying people don't have personal choices. But to deny that religion is a major factor in the choices people make in life is beyond idiotic, but so is assuming someone watches Fox News just for having a balanced opinion on something instead of knee-jerk regressive shouting.

Keep telling yourself it's just a few bad eggs who have these dated views on women, and believe violence is acceptable because it fits your narrow world-view, while ignoring all data on the topic. Wouldn't expect anymore more from an SJW type.

Your post is just making excuses for why people think it's okay to be this way. Their religion says this is okay. You're conflating two things, they were like that way before we were involved.


WOW, you are one sheltered dude. The fact you think those things speaks volumes about the echo chamber you live in. Ignoring all the data on the topic? Like christians are responsible for the fgm thats attributed to muslims in africa? The fact are that you dont have *beep* clue what your talking about past your simplistic good guys vs bad guys BS fox news has fed you. Islam isnt any more or less oppressive than Christianity. Islamic countries like Indonesia have had female heads of state. Can your backwards Christian nation say the same? Nope. The fact america has something to say about how anyone else treats its women is a *beep* joke.

As for me being a sjw, I think youll find if you look realy hard I said nothing that would be worthy of that title. Sorry to burst your little bubble, but the world isnt a simple place where the good guys are all white and the bad guys are black and brown. Theres nothing sjw about it, just a fact of life. If we treated every nation by the actions of its very worst, america would be burned from the face of the earth. Nothing but warmongers and all in the name of daffy duck in the sky.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


If you're not willing to even google Islamic views on women, you're not worthy of having a discussion with.

Instead of making it about race, Islam is not a race, maybe try doing that. You might want to work in improving your reading comprehension as well, because there's a lot of straw man being thrown around here. There is data on this folks, no reason to just shout your opinion. Some loser virgin gunmen shooting up a place that happened to be a Christian does not equate to an ideology that actively promotes that along with the mistreatment of women on a wide scale.

And again, everything you say is sounding like an SJW. Making it about race "white vs brown" when I never even mentioned skin color.

Are you one of those people that calls people nazis just because they don't by into your narrative?

It's people like you that are making young people leave the left in ridiculous amounts. It's people like that that helped Trump win, not just his supporters btw.

I'm glad I've had this awakening though. Research Islamic views on women, on the wide-scale, and then try to tell me Christianity in the West oppresses women? Yeah..defintely not SJW.

There are plenty of Westernized Muslims who do not share these sort of views. But you're trying to create a false equivalancy.


I never said anything about race, you really do use the internet argue by numbers play book dont you? I dont have to google islamic views on women because I know what islamic views on women are, I also kknow that those views have been bastardised by weak and evil men.

Face it buddy, you dont have a *beep* clue outside your own echo chamber whats going on in the world.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


Now you're just lying. Reread your own post. You created a straw-man about me making it about skin color.

As for me being a sjw, I think youll find if you look realy hard I said nothing that would be worthy of that title. Sorry to burst your little bubble, but the world isnt a simple place where the good guys are all white and the bad guys are black and brown.

Clearly, you talking about race.

Yeah, and the men in Islam have those views on women because of the ideology linked to their religion.


No, that would be talking about the colour of peoples skin. If I was talking about race I would have said race. You do realise Ive made several statements of fact and youve just ignored them because they dont fit your bias, right?

Grow the *beep* up, and educate yourself about the world little child.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


Facts require stats and data to back them up which you are clearly lacking. Pew isn't just a sound from Star Wars, do some research and quit going by whatever your sociology or gender studies professor tells you.

Good job electing Trump btw, SJW leftists are why so many are now questioning their party lines.

And it's funny you tell me to grow up when you put your own feelings before tangible fact.

Skin color is determined by race outside of people who abuse tanning beds. You don't see asians with brown skin, therefore you absolutely brought up race.

That's like referring to someone's sex organ, and then denying your brought up someone's gender.

Oh wait, your camp are biology deniers too.

You really know you won a debate when the person no longer relies (or never did) on data to backup their feelings, when the person tells you to grow up because they have nothing else of value to say.

Islam is the set of beliefs that leads them to believe these things. Crazy huh? How an ideology or religion can shape someone's worldview. Nah, that never happens. 


Actually I got sick of saying the same thing and watching you ignore easily researchable facts. Im not your google dick head. And make up your mind, Im a mouth breathing racist trump supporter or an easily triggered gender denier. Its one or the other *beep* nugget.

Only a *beep* a moron thinks islam is a religion of hate/intolerance/terror and doesnt as way 1.5 billion muslims havent in acted said terror. I gave you facts at the start of the conversation, you ignored them. You choose to be what you are, a dumb *beep*. Wrapping yourself up in your bigotry and ignoring your own countries disgusting actions that played in part in creating the very terrorists you think reside in every hajib. You think race and skin colour are the same thing, like the moron that you are you cant grasp complex issues past your own star wars good and bad references ie skin colour equals race, and islam equals bad. Face it buddy, youre a retard of epic proportions. A racist piece of *beep* thats only too happy to judge a group of people based on the actions of a few. with your logic all christians are child abusers. All footballers are rapists. All black guys are gang bangers. All americans are fat. You get it yet *beep* tard? I wont be replying to you again. Its not because youve won this argument, its because youre too stupid and ignorant to continue to bother with. Honestly your a poster child for swallowing. The less bigoted little keyboard warriors in the world the better.

You take care now princess.

I blame Bowie. He always was one for starting trends.


I never implied you're a Trump supporter, I implied your camp (SJWs) helped him win the election because even liberals such as myself are questioning their party lines because the way the left has been behaving. Your actions made a lot of people flip or just stay at home.

Nor did I say race and skin color are the same thing. But I said skin color is determined by race. How often do you see an African with white skin? Maybe reread my post, I have doubts about rather you actually did because you're drawing hyperbolic conclusions from what I've actually typed. Right because there is a clear correlation between race and skin color. This is very basic common knowledge that you are denying. You're denying science.

Face it buddy, Islam is not a race. You still haven't got that yet? I've explained this to you before and you still don't get it. Thinking Islam is an ideology that promotes violence and archaic views on women and homosexuals (a fact) isn't racism, because it is not a race. Do you get it now? Oh wait but a Christian Baker uses their right to refuse service when someone wanted them to violate their principals, so they are just as bad right?   

The Star Wars reference was about Pew Research something you should've researched after I brought it up, because obviously to you it is just the sound of a laser blaster. You expect me to google your made up stuff but you won't research the real Pew data. 

Take those numbers and compare to Christians or most people living in the West. Muslims in the West are less likely to believe these things or act on them. But you have different layers. It's not just a few bad apples, so stop propagating that.

These are facts. There is actual data on the set beliefs of those in Islam vs Christianity or other religion. They believe women deserve less rights than Christians do by a far larger percent of their population. This. Is. A. Fact.

Seriously, are you Ben Affleck? Can I get an autograph. You make great movies, but stick with that. You're not really good at debating and you draw conclusions based on your personal feelings and not data. You tell me you are not my google machine then refuse to look up the sources I provided to you, while you didn't even provide any. So you expect me to literally do all the work here. Typical.

If you honestly think you won that Sam Harris debate, you aren't worth speaking to because he provided data while Mr. Affleck just kept shouting and getting offended because sometimes facts don't fit your worldview.

You have a lot of growing up to do. You seem to be a liberal yet you will not defend liberal principles under this false sense of all religious ideologies being equal.

Watch this, listen to it. If you honestly think Sam lost the debate you are a walking ideologue who can't think for yourself.


HP is drama queen central. What can be learned from that site?


I thought that was Washington Post?


What Huffington fails to acknowledge is that even in the most harshest islamic terrorist seasons of 24, there was always an old rich white man pulling the strings up top, in 7 out of 8 seasons of the original show...


Very true indeed. 24 was always equal opportunity when it came to the terrorists. American, middle eastern, German, Russian, Chinese, Cuban, british, and I'm sure im missing some.




No Islamic had ever committed a terrorist arrack. All white people with fake tans, beards, accents and other accoutrements to fake Muslims. Bwa ha ha ha!!!!


HuffPost is fake news.

Almost as bad as Buzz Feed. Avoid unless reading ironically.

They specifically put in "good" Muslim characters to show balance.


I wish I could see the reaction on the staff's faces when Trump won the election.


The biggest misstep in this spin-off is that the writing is terrible.

So any show in which the villains are Muslims is considered Islamophobic? I'd say it is realistic seeing as how Muslims seem to be committing acts of terror at a rate far greater than people of other religions


^ damn straight


Muslims are committing horrific acts of evil every single day. A Muslim terrorist is raping a woman, brutally killing a homosexual or committing an act of mass murder as we speak. People like to pretend like it isn't true but we all know it.
